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"Hey Harry," I said as I finished packing my trunk

"Yes, Y/n," said Harry

"We should probably ask Uncle Vernon if he could take us to kings cross station tomorrow since the train leaves tomorrow," 

"Yea. Your right," said Harry

We walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the hallway to the living room. The Dursleys were all in the living room, "Uncle vernon," Dudley looked at us and ran because he hated being in the same room as us because of what Hagrid did. Uncle Vernon grunted 

"We need to be at Kings cross tomorrow to go to Hogwarts," said Harry

Uncle Vernon grunted again

"Would you be able to give us a lift?" I asked 

He grunted again supposed it was a yes

"Thank you," we said in unison. We were about to back upstairs,

"Funny way to get to the wizard school, the train," said Uncle Vernon "Where is this school anyways?"

"I don't know," said harry

I pulled out my ticket from mypocket "We take the train from platform nine-and three quarters at 11 o'clock," I looked up from the ticket at Uncle Vernon

"Platform what?" asked Aunt petunia

"9 and 3/4," said Harry

"Dont talk rubbish," said Uncle Vernon "There is no platform 9 and 3/4," 

"Its on our tickets," I said showing him

"The lot of them barking mad. All right we'll take you to Kings cross. We're going up to London tomorrow anyways or I wouldn't bother," said Uncle Vernon

"Why are you going up to London?" I asked trying to be nice

"Taking Dudley to the hospital. Got to have that ruddy tail removed before he goes to Smeltings," 


Harry and I woke up extra early purely out of excitement. We doubled checked our trunks and made sure we had everything we needed. I changed into a pair of jeans and held them up with a belt, the white shirt, and a blue flannel which was to big for me. I knew the Dursleys would hate it tired up in front, so I just left it alone. I put Junipers cage on top of my trunk and waited to go. About two hours later, our trunks were loaded into the car. Aunt Petunia had to talk Dudley into sitting with us  and we left

 Once We reached Kings Cross station, Uncle Vernon loaded all of our stuff onto two trolleys. I knew Uncle Vernon was up to something because he would never have done this. We all began walking to the platform, "Well here we are boy, girl, Platform nine-Platform 10. Your platform should be somewhere in the middle but they don't seem to have built it yet," 

I looked at Harry with a what-do-we-do face, "Have a good term," said Uncle Vernon walking to Aunt Petunia and Dudley. They walked away laughing. I turned to Harry again"So lets ask someone for help," We walked to a guard "Excuse me sir," 

"Yes," the guard said

"Do you know where we could find platform nine-and three quarters?" Asked Harry

"9 and 3/4 think your being funny do ya," said the guard before walking off.

I turned to Harry and started to talk when a group of red head walked by "packed with Muggles of course," an older women said. I looked at Harry "Muggles!" we pushed our carts to follow the group of read heads with flaming red hair. They stopped at I saw four boys and a little girl with their mother, "What the platform number?" said the mother

Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now