14 years later

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"MOM!" yelled Remi and Rubi from the kitchen

"DAD!" yelled Gideon and Fabien

"COME HERE!" yelled Archer

"What?" Fred and I said walking down the stairs 

I saw all 6 of our kids downstairs. Minnie came running up to us,"I GOT MY LETTER! IM GOING HOGWARTS!" she yelled jumping around

"Right on kiddo!" said Fred messing her hair up

"I guess we can't put off diagon alley anymore. I can go with Aunt Ginny and Hermione this afternoon while you all are at grandmas and Grandpas," I smiled 

"I GET TO SEE ALBUS AND ROSE!" yelled Minnie jumping around 

"Mum. Can you please get me some new books?" asked Fabien

"Yes we can bud. What genre?" I asked 

Rubi and Remi are exactly like Fred and George. They love pranking and helping out at the joke shop every summer. They are beaters for the Gryffindor team. They hangout with Teddy every day at school and here when he is over. Teddy looks exactly like Remus but has Tonks personality; he settled on bright blue hair as his look. 

Archer is like me he loves to joke but values studying and reading. He is in ravenclaw, he is a chaser and loves Astronomy. He loves helping Poppy in the hospital wing. Best friend-Asher Scamandar. His Godparents, Ron and Cassie

Fabien George and Gideon Fred were born in 2006. Gideon is a Ravenclaw, chaser, and loves Dragons.  Fabian-Hufflepuff loves to read, seeker. Excels in Transfiguration. Best Friend Damion George Weasley(Gryffindor) and James Sirius Potter(Gryffindor). Gideon Godparents-Charlie and Fay. Fabien Godparents-Luna and Neville

Minnie Lily born in 2004. Quiet but ambitious. Loves to read. Exells in Herbology and Potions. Best friends Albus and Rose. She and Rose are practically sisters by how attached they are at the hip. I mean, they are only a week apart on birth. Ginny, Hermione and I are so happy we had kids with each other. I think she'll be in Slytherin while Fred thinks Gryffindor; either way she will be loved. She rather announces quidditch matches than play. 

"Adventure Mom," he replied

"Okay," I smiled

"Mom tell us about your Hogwarts experience and can you tell us the story of how you defeated you-know-who?" said Archer. He always loves it when I talk about it

"Call him Voldemort Archie. There no reason to be afraid when mom killed him for good,"said Remi wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"I'll tell you all once we are in the car," i said taking their lists,"Minnie you will have to go with me to get your wand," 

"Okay," she smiled,"I cant wait to see Mr.Olivander. I mean Ms. Olivander," 

"Same here," I smiled. Mr.Olivander past away 2 years ago. It was a lovely ceremony.

"Go Go Go!" said Fred,"No, Remi and Rubi, what is in your pockets?" he pointed at their pockets.

They empty it to puking pustules. Fred chuckled,"No feeding it to anyone under 10," 

"FRED!" I slapped his shoulder,"You know that's not how its done," I told him,"You better prank Uncle Percy with those. And yes no one under 10," I smirked

Remi and Rubi high-fived each other before running to the car. Fred turned me to him and kissed my lips. I smiled as our kids made gagging noises. We pulled away,"10" I started counting building an energy blast. The rest of our kids ran out of the house. Fred grabbed the brooms while I grabbed my bag. I got into the car and began to tell them about. Fred began to drive as all the kids where listening in their seats. 

Before I knew it we were there and I wasn't even done with my third year of school. We got out of the car to see a bunch of other cars. The kids ran inside,"REMI!" yelled Teddy,"RUBI!" the three of them fell down on the grass

"OI Fabien! Gideon!" yelled Damion and James running out

"MINNIE!" yelled Rose running with Albus close behind

"Archie!" yelled Victorie and James

"Y/N!" yelled Hermione laughing 

"MIONE!" I yelled running to her like the kids did 

We hugged tightly laughing. We headed inside where I saw Harry and Ron talking. I ran up to Harry and jumped on his back making him fall over,"We are getting to old for that Y/n," he groaned on the floor

"No we ain't. We are only 38 years old," I laughed standing,"Unlike you. I am in perfect shape," 

I helped the old man up while everyone was laughing.  I hugged everyone tightly. 

"POTTER AND WEASLEYS AND POTTER-WEASLEYS!" yelled Fred,"Outside for a Quidditch game," he pointed 

Fred(K), Y/n(C), Remi(B), Rubi(B), Archer(C), Fabien(S), Gideon(S)(Team Name-Potter-Weasleys)

Angelina(C), George(B), Diamion(B), Roxanna(C),Ron(K), Rose(C), Hugo(S)(Weasels)

BILL(C), Percy(K), Victorie(S), Dominque(C), Louis(B), Molly II(B), Lucy(C) (Weasleys)

Harry(S), Ginny(C), James(B), Albus(C), Lily(K), Charlie(C)(Potters and a Weasel)

"We need one more to make it even," I said looking at the groups 

"I'll play. I'll be a beater," said Audrey joining Harry's team

"Minnie and I will comment," said Hermione 

My team played against Bills and won in no time. Harry and Angelina played against each other. After 30 minutes Harrys team won. 

"Ohhh Potter Twins. Lets see who will win," said George 

"You know We will win in no time Georgie," I smirked getting on my broom 

"Sure you will little sis," said Harry smirking 

I grabbed the quaffle as it was thrown into the air. I flipped over Ginny who was flying at me. I passed the ball to Archer as he flew down and past Albus. Within no time Archer scored on Lily. Ginny grabbed the quaffle and I flew after her,"Not so fast gin," I knocked my shoulder into hers and grabbed the quaffle throwing it to Fabein. 

After 25 minutes,"I CAUGHT THE SNITCH!" yelled Harry

"POTTER-WEASLEY WINS THE MATCH TO 250 to 240!" yelled Minnie jumping

My family all dropped down and all hugged,"Nice job kids," said Fred 

"It was mostly Mum. Scoring 15 points," said Gideon

"We are still proud," I smiled 

We headed inside and talked for a while. Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Bill, Charlie, and Percy went to set up the tables outside as we could barely fit inside with 34 people in the Burrow. Hermione, Ginny, and I took Rose, Albus and Minnie to Diagon Alley. Hermione took them to get robes. I got their books while Ginny got their potions. We got their wands and an animal they want. I was carrying tons of bags for all of my kids school

"Oi Potter!" 

I turned around with Ginny to see Draco walking with his son Scorpius. Mattheo falling behind with his son Deigo,"Draco! Matty!" I walked up hugging them 

"How are you?" smiled Mattheo

"Great! You?" 

"Perfect," they said

After a little catching up. I learn that Mattheo is now teaching at Hogwarts as the D.A.D.A teacher. Draco is at the minister as Hermiones first helper(Hermione is Minisiter YAS BITCH!) I told them how I started up at St. Mungos again 8 years ago and now am Head Healer. We said our good byes and I had to pull Minnie away from looking at Diego. 

"I think Minnie has a crush," i teased her 

"Shut up Mom," she pushed me slightly

I laughed and walked with hermione and Ginny. We all went back to the burrow and had a lovely dinner. I joked around with Harry, Ron, Hermione about our years at Hogwarts. Over all it was a nice day. 

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