Department of Mysteries Battle Pt1

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Once we landed on the ground; I hoped off the trestral a little weak in the knees. I saw Ron all to the  ground immediate,"Never again,...that was the worst," Hermione touched down with Ginny and they slid off more gracefully then Ron

"Where do we go from here?" asked Luna as Her and Neville dismounted from their thestrals

"Over here," said Harry going to a telephone booth,"Come on," he waved us in

We all squeezed inside. I was right in front of the dial with Ron and Luna beside me. I felt someone touch my arse,"HOW TOUCHED MY ASS!" I yelled laughing

"Sorry Y.n," said Ginny,"You got a nice ass tho," 

"Thanks" I laughed

"If your done flirting...Whoever nearest the receiver, dial six two four four two," said Harry. I dialed the numbers and a voice came"Welcome to the Minister of magic. Please state your business and your name," 

"Harry Potter. Y/n potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood....We are here to save someone unless your Ministry can do it first," 

"Thank you!" said the cool female voice,"Vistors please take the badges and attach them to the front of your robes," 

7 badges came out os a metal chuste and Hermione scooped them us and handed them to us


"Visitor to Ministry, you are required to submit to a search and present your wand for registration at security desk which is located at the far end of the Artium," 

"FINE!" I yelled"Now can we move?" 

The floor of the telephone booth suddered and we were lowered . We were now in the Ministry of magic. . "The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant evening," said the woman voice

The door bursted open. Harry toppled out followed by Ginny and Hermione,"Come on," said Harry quietly and the we all sprinted down the hall. Harry and I in the lead, past the golden fountain and towards the desk of the security man which was empty.  

"There should be a person here," I said looking around. We continued to run and we loaded into a very noisy elevator. Harry pressed a bottom and we took off. Once we got to where we needed to go; Harry turned towds the plain black door,"This is the door. Lets go," whispered Harry. 

We all took off in a run,"Listen...Maybe a couple of people should stay here as a lookout," 

"How are we going to let you know somethings coming?" asked Ginny"You could be miles away," 

"We are coming with you Y/n, Harry," said Neville

"Lets go then," said Ron firmly

Harry nodded and turned to face the door and walked forward. The door sung open and he walked forward with me falling behind. We stood in a large circular room. Everything was black  with a few blue candles. Neville shut the door and we saw a dozen doors. The walls were rotating. Hermione grabbed only my arm frightened as the floor might move to. I watched as the blue flames became streaks. 

"What was that about?" whispered Ron fearfully

"I think it was to stop us from knowing which door  we came in from," said Ginny

"Your right," I nodded

"How are we going to get back out?" said Nevile shifting closer to me

"Well that doesn't matter now," said Harry forcefully, blinking.,"We wont need to get out till we've found Sirius-" 

Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now