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I was sitting in the common room when the twins came down. They just glared at me while they walked out of the room. I looked down"They hate me," 

"Y/n just give it time. They will be back," said Harry 

"Come on we are late for Charms," Hermione said standing up 

We all stood up and walked down to Charms. Ron was no longer sitting with Harry but sitting with Neville. I sat down with Hermione as class started. About half ways through the door opened and Dumbledore walked in,"May I take Ms.Potter and Mr.Potter?" 

"Oh course," he pointed at us

"Pack your bags," said Dumbledore

I packed my bag quickly and Harry and I walked out of Charms. I looked at Mattheo who was looking at me with worry. We followed Dumbledore to a room where a lady was with a camera man. The rest of the champions were standing waiting. 

"Ms.Delacour and Ms.Potter please sit on the chairs you see right there. Lady like please," said Mcgonagall. 

Fleur and I sat down and cross our legs. McGonagall placed Harry in between the back of the chairs and Cedric and Viktor beside him at an angle. 

The camera man took a couple of photos,"Smile Everyone. Happy smiled," said the camera man

I rolled my eyes and placed a smile on my face as he flashed a photo. "What a charismatic quartet," said the women walking forward"Hello. I am Rita Skeeter," she shook all of our hands'I writer for the daily Prophet. But of course you know that, don't you?" she pointed at us"Its you we don't know. You're the Juicy news. What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks," she tapped Fluers cheeks"What mysteries do the muscles mask?" then Messed up Cedric hair,"Does Courage lie beneath those curls? In short what makes a champion tick?"

"Me,Myself, and I want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers. So whos feeling up to sharing?" everyone remained silent "Shall we start with the youngest?" 

She grabbed Harrys arm"I'm not the youngest she is," he point to me

"HARRY!" I yelled shaking my head

"Well then," she dropped Harrys arm and grabbed me. I glared at Harry who was slightly chuckling. 

We walked into a small room,"This is cozy," said Rita

"Its a cupboard," I said looking inside

She pushed me further inside,"You should feel right at home then. you don't mind of I use a quick-quotes quill do ya?"

"I guess not," I shrugged

I sat down on a little pail,"So tell me Y/n. Is it true that boys chase after you?"

"What!" I said in shock "No!" 

"Thats not what I heard I hear you have a few boys after you. So tell me who is the lucky man," 

"No one. I am not dating anyone. Aren't you supposed to be asking me about the tournament and not my love life?,"

I saw the quill writing'She has someone she loves in her eyes but won't tell 

"I will ask the questions," said Rita "Is it true that you cried when your name was called?"

"Yes it is. I don't want to be in the tournament," 

"Then why did you put your name in?" 

"I didn't. Someone else put my name in the goblet," I started tearing up"I never wanted to join. I told my best friends Fred and George to not join. I never wanted to be in this tournament!" 

Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now