Everyone finds out

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"Mrs.Potter-Weasley, please pay attention," said Cassie as I was distracted with baby names for my girls

"Sorry, Ca-Professor," I smiled, and she winked secretly.

I did the spell she was having us work on. After class was dismissed, I stayed behind to chat with Cassie briefly. 

"How are you?" I asked

"Very busy. I gotta grade your essays," she said, pointing to the stack of papers.

"Its your fault for becoming a teacher," I teased her, sitting on a desk

"Shut it," she smiled,"How are the twins?" she asked, looking at my now larger belly. 

"Healthy as all get out. Driving me crazy with all of their moving and kicking," I said 

"I am surprised no one has found out about the pregnancy," she said 

"I am too, but I am not ashamed of my babies," I said to her,"If someone asked I'll tell them,"

We talked for a little while and laughed. I headed out to the library to meet with the girls and Draco and Mattheo to study for our N.E.W.Ts as we had the rest of the day off. I sat in the bean bag chair in Hermione and my study corner in the library. We all remained silent but helped one another when needed. 

I was trying to find a certain potion to study but couldn't find it in my book. I tried to get up from the bean bag,"Can one of you help?" I asked struggling

"Sure," said Draco, standing. He helped me up,"Probably not wise for you to sit on a bean bag chair for right now,"

"Oh, shut it," I smiled and went to the charms section to search for the charm.

"I guess Y/n Potter-Weasel has let herself go," said a voice

I turned to see the Slytherin dude from D.A.D.A. I rolled my eyes and turned back to find the book.

"Dont ignore me," He grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back

"Leave me alone," I said loudly

"I guess after killing the Dark Lord. Y/n Potter has decided she doesn't need to keep her slim shape," he walked forward

I made an energy blast in my hand,"Get the fuck away from me," I snapped loudly

"What are you going to do about it?" he said, backing away a step as I grew the energy blast

"I killed Voldemort with my energy blast," I stepped forward,"Besides, I don't care what you think of my body. My husband, the man who loves me, loves my body," I said as I brought him to the middle of the library, and people started to stand up

"You are fat and ugly. I am surprised you even got the Weasel to marry you," he scoffed

"That's enough, Cetters," snapped Mattheo, standing in front of me

"Why don't you run along," said Draco

"Boys, I got this," I said, pushing through them, "I guess your dick is small, and your attitude has to compensate for it. Besides, I bet you have never been able to pleasure someone with your 2 inches," I smirked as people 'ooo'

"I'm surprised you could get Weasel to even fuck you by looking so fat," said Cetters

"Oh, Cetters, he fucked me so good that he put two kids in me," I smirked, making everyone gasp, "That's right," I turned to the group, "I am pregnant with twins. I am also married and happy. If I hear one word out of your pathetic little mouth," I made an energy blast,"I won't hesitate to use it,"

"Congratulations," smiled a young Hufflepuff

People started clapping and congratulating me. Which caught me by surprise as normally people would make fun of others. Draco and Mattheo helped me back to the table. I sat down

"So I just told the whole school I am pregnant. Fuck now I am going to be treated differently," I groaned, placing my head on the table

"People will start being safer around you," said Ginny,"Probably less dicks,"

"Keep your head up Y/n. Its good you told them now and not when you have two kids on your hips for classes," said Mattheo, tapping my shoulder

"True," I said, sitting up,"I'm going to study in my dorm so that I don't have people staring at me," I said pointing at a group of Ravenclaw girls

"See you Y/n," smiled Ginny as I packed my bag around the bean bag. 

I headed back up to the dorm ignoring all the stares. I sat on my bed studying; Hermione brought me up dinner. I was eating while I studied. 

"I am so glad we are going home next week," said Hermione,"I miss everyone," 

"Especially Ron," I teased her and she blushed

"Why don't we have a girls night," suggested Ginny,"We can do face masks and each others nails? We have been studying so much lately and it might help us relax," 

"I like that idea," I smile,"I can barely see my feet," I laughed 

"Your pregnant; what do you expect," said Hermione as they sat on my bed. 

We spent the next few hours having a girl's day. Ginny went down and got us popcorn. Fred came through the fire, and we sent him away. I told him we were having a girl's day. He kissed my and my stomach before leaving, chuckling. We fell asleep on my bed, Hermione's head on my shoulder and my head on Ginny's lap. 

I woke up to Hermione moving off the bed,"Sorry didn't mean to wake you," 

"I-Its fine," I yawned sitting up. I looked at the bed as it had old facemasks and nail polish around with popcorn. 

Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now