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Hermione and I headed to the landing; we met up with the boys and walked down to the common room. I saw Trevor Nevilles toad in the common room,"Shoo, trevor you shouldn't be here," I said moving my hands to shoo him away

"Neither should you," said Neville"You're sneaking out again aren't you?" 

"Now Neville.Listen We Were" said Fred

"No, I wont let you. You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again," said Neville"I'll fight you," he raised his hands

"Neville. I'm Really Really sorry about this," said Hermione"Petricucus Totalus,"

Neville now was as still with his arms bound at his sides and legs together. He fell backwards,"You a little scary sometimes. You know that. Brilliant but scary," said Ron

"Lets go," said George and Harry

They said their sorry while I grabbed a pillow and placed his head under,"I am sorry Neville but its for your own good," I walked to the others. As we exited the common room and we placed the invisibility cloak around us. Hermione and Ron were bickering a little. "Shut up before we get caught," I whispered-yell.

"Sorry," said Ron

Hermione unlocked the door and we entered in to see sleeping fluffy. There was a harp playing in the room"Wait a minute he is snoring," said Fred "Looks a lot calmer than last time,"

"Snapes already been here," I said looking at the harp

"He has put a spell on the harp," said Harry

"Uhhh, its got horrible breathe," said Ron

"You would to if you never brushed your teeth," said George

"Yea how about we take you tooth brush away," said Fred

"Will you two shut up," I said mad

"We have to move its paw," said Harry

"What?" said Ron and Hermione

"Come on," said Harry

We all walked around the paw. I placed my hands under its paw and I felt another hand on top of mine. We pushed the paw to the side revealing the trap door. All of the dogs head were now snoring more than ever. Fred and George opened the trapdoor and laid it open,"I'll go first. Dont follow until I give you a sign," said Harry.

"I'll go with you. If something bad happens. Get yourself out of here," I said beside harry

"Does it seem a bit quiet to you?" asked George

"The harp; it stopped playing," said Hermione

There was a sound of something on Rons shoulder,"Agh Yuck!" said Ron taking the saliva off of his shoulder

We looked up to see the dog wide awake,"JUMP!" I yelled and went though the hole. Everyone followed shortly behind. We fell a little way before landing,"Woah, Lucky these plant things were here really," said Ron

"WHOA," yelled Harry as the plants moved over its legs

The plants moved all along me and I tried to get free of them but it was hard as they kept tightening around,"HELP!" I yelled. I felt two hands grab my hands and hold them. I looked to see Fred and George on both sides tangeled in the plants. Everyone was squirming around,"Stop moving all of you. This is Devils Snare," said Hermione calmly"You have to relax. If you don't it'll only kill you faster," 

"KILL US FASTER!" Yelled Fred struggling

"OH NOW I CAN RELAX," Yelled George struggling

"Boys calm down. Listen to her," I said trying to relax

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