Cold Christmas

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"Fred dear," said Mrs. Weasley waking him up,"Can you go pick some carrots with George in the garden? We are all swamped doing stuff and need help,"

"Mhm," he nodded into my neck, sitting up 

"Y/n come help me decorate," said Ginny 

I sat up and woke up from a good nap. I helped Ginny decorate the living room with paper decorations. After a few hours, we sat around the living room listening to a Christmas broadcast by Mrs.Weasley favorite singer, Celestine Warbeck. Fluer kept talking loudly because she though Celestine was dull but Mrs.Weasley turned the volume up. I watched as Fred and George started a game of Exploding Snap with Ginny. Remus was a looking very ill and sick now that I looked at him more was staring into the fire not hearing Celestina voice. 

"We danced to this when we were eighteen!" said Mrs.Weasley wiping her eyes on her knitting,"Do you remember, Arthur?" 

"Mphf?" said Mr.Weasley nodding over a banana he was peeling,"Oh yess...marvelous tune. . ." he sat a little straighter and Looked around at Harry who want to sell him about Draco. 

"Sorry about this," he said looking at the both of us,"Be over soon," 

"No problem," I grinned playing with my ring,"Has it been busy at the Ministry?" 

"Very," said Mr.Weasley,"I wouldn't mind if we were getting anywhere but of the 3 areest we've made in the last couple of month. I doubt that 1 of them is a genuine Death eater--dont repeat that," he added quickly

"They're not still holding Stan Shunpike, are they?" asked Harry

"Im afraid so," said Mr.Weasley,"I know Dumbledores tried appealing directly to Scrimegeour about Stan...I mean anybody who has actually interviewed him agrees that he's about as much a Death eater as this banana but top level want to look as though they making some progress and '3 arrests' sounds better then '3 mistaken arrest and releases' . . but again this is all top secret. . "

"We wont say anything," I said looking at him. 

Celestina began a ballad called'You Charmed the Heart right out of me'

"Mr.Weasley you know what I told you at the station when we were setting off of school?" 

"I checked, Harry," said Mr.Weasley,"I went and searched the Malfoys house. There was nothing, either broken or whole that shouldn't have been there," 

"Yeah, I know, I saw in the Prophet that you'd look but this is something different...something more..." 

Harry went on to explain between Malfoy, Riddle, and Snape. Remus head tuend a little towards us. As he finished Celestina voice sand"Oh, my poor heart, where has it gone? Its left me for a spell. . ." 

"Has it occurred to you, Y/n, Harry," said Mr.Weasley," that snape was simply pretending?"

"Yes," I nodded

"Pretening to offer help so that he could find out what Malfoy up to?" said Harry quickly,"Yeah, I thought you'd say that. But how do we know?" 

"Its isn't our business to know," said Remus out of the blue now looking at us,"Its Dumbledores business. Dumbledore trusts Severus and that ought to be good enough for all of us," 

"But," I said," just say Dumbledore wrong about Snape--" 

"People have said it, many times. It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore judgement. I do; therefore I trust Severus," 

"But Dumbledore makes mistakes," argued Harry,"He says it himself. and you"_he looked Remus in the eye,"Do you honestly like Snape?" 

"I neither like nor dislike Snape," said Remus plainly,"No, Y/n, Harry, I am speaking the truth," he added as I made a skeptical expression,"We shall never be bosom friends; after all James and Sirius and Severus there is too much bitterness there. I don't forget that during the year I taught at Hogwarts, Severus made Wolfsbane Potion for me every month, made it perfectly, so that I did not suffer as I usually do at the full moon," 

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