Products and Calm

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I was sitting on Harry's bed reading while he was cleaning bird droppings. Ron walked into the room with envelopes,"Booklists have arrived," he threw us the envelopes. I caught mine,"About time, I thought they'd forgotten, they usually come much earlier then this. I opened my letter to see the usual start of term stuff and the other telling us what books we need. 

"Only two new ones," said Harry"The standard book of spells grade 5 and Defensive Magical Theory," 

Fred and George apparated into the room. No one even jumped because they have been doing this for weeks and we were all used to it. 

"We are just wondering who assigned the slinkhard book," said Fred

"It means Dumbledore has found a new DADA teacher," said George

"About time too," I smiled, continuing to read

"What you'd mean?" asked Harry

"We overheard Mum and Dad talking on the Extendable Ears a few weeks back," Fred said moving me to cuddle with him,"and from what they are saying. Dumbledore was having real trouble finding anyone to do the jo this year,"

"Not surprising, is it, when you look what happened to the last four?" said George 

"One was sacked, one dead, one memory gone, and one was locked in a trunk for nine months," I said looking up from my book

"I see what you mean," said Harry

"Whats up with you Ron?" asked Fred

I looked at Ron who was in complete shock. He was looking at his Hogwarts letter. I stood up and looked over Rons shoulder on the bed,

"PREFECT!" I yelled surprise"Ickle Ronniekins got Prefect!"

George grabbed Rons letter from his hand"No way," 

"Theres been a mistake," said Fred taking the letter from George and holding it to the nightstand light"No one in their right mind would make Ron a prefect,"

They turned and looked at Harry,"We thought he would have chosen you over Ron!"

"BOYS!" I yelled shaking my head"Great job Ron!" I hugged him

"Thanks Y/n/n. Maybe Dumbledore chose me instead of Harry because of everything going on," said Ron

"Maybe...Mums going to be revolting," said George looking at Rons prefect badge

Hermione came into the room,"Did you get it?" she asked holding the Prefect badge to Harry

"Ron got it not me," said Harry

"I-Really?" she said surprised

"Its my name on the letter," said Ron with a defiant expression,"

"I-uh...well...Well done Ron!" said Hermione"Its really.."

"Unexpected," said George

"No," I said to George shaking my head and smiling"No its not...Ron has done loads of stuff. He really-"

The door opened and Mrs.Weasley came into the room with clothes,"Ginny said the booklist had come at last," She place the pile of clothes onto the bed and sorted the robes into two piles for Harry and Ron,"If you give them to me I'll take them over to Diagon Alley this afternoon and get your books while you're packing. Ron, I'll have to get you more pajamas, these are at least six inches to short.You are growing quite fast, What color would you like?"

"Get him red and gold to match his badge,'" said George

"Match his what?" Mrs.Weasley turned from the pile 

Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now