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Over the week everyone was talking about Fred and Georges's escape from Umbridge. People have been trying to take over the Troublemakers-in-cheif but no one could one-up me. I took over that position by setting off Dungbombs in the great hall, Fireworks all through the castle without getting caught once. Peeves was my right-hand man for a lot of the pranks. 

"Should we say something?" asked Hermione looking at Mr. and Mrs. Montague marching inside from the charms window,"About what happened to him? In case it helps Madam Pomfey cure him?"

"Course not, he'll recover," said Ron shaking his head

"Anyway more trouble from Umbridge, isn't it," I said satisfied,

Harry and Ron tapped their teacups we are supposed to be charming with their wands. Harrys spouted four very short legs that wouldn't reach the desk and wriggled pointlessly in midair. Rons grew four very thin legs that hoisted the cup of the desk and fell into two,

"Reparo," I pointed my wand at the cup

"Thats all very well  but if Montague permantly injured," said Hermione

"Who cares," said Ron mad while his teacup stood,"Montague shouldn't have tried to take all those points from Gryffindor, should he? If you want to worry about anyone, Hermione, worry about me!" 

"You?" she said catching her teacup that was skipping around the desk on four sturdy legs"Why would I be worried about you?" she went red in the face. I nudged her in the ribs

"When MUm next letter finally get through Umbridge screening process," said Ron bitterly helping his frial legged cup,"Im going to be in deep sh-trouble. I would be surprised if she sent a howler again,"

But-" I started

"It'll be my fault Fred and George left, You wait," said Ron"She'll say I should've stopped them leaving, I should have grabbed the end of their brooms and hund on or something....yeah it'll be my fault," 

"Well if she does say something it'll be unfair, you couldn't have done anything! But I'm sure she wont, I mean if really it true they've got premises in Diagon Alley now...Beside they have been planning this for ages," I said after waving my wand and having four strong legs pop out 

Yeah but that's another thing, how did they get premises," said Ron hitting his teacup so hard with his wand its legs collapsed,"A bit dogy, isn't it?They'll need loads of Galleons to afford rent on a place in Diagon Alley, she'll want to know what they've been up to, to get their hands on that sort of gold," 

"Well that occurred to me too," said Hermione letting her teacup run in neat circles around Around whos legs were to weak to walk,"Ove been wondering wether Mundungus haspersuaded them to sell stolen goods or something awful,"

"He hasn't," I said quickly

"How do you know?" said Ron and Hermione in unison

"Because..."I looked at Harry; we gave the twins our winnings for the triwizard cup,"Becuase they got the gold from us. We gave them our winnings for the Triwizard last June," 

Hermione teacup ran off the edge of the desk and shattered which made me jump

"Y/n, Harry you didn't," said Hermione in shock

"Yes we did," said Harry"And We don't regret it either...We didn't need that gold and they'll be great at a joke shop," 

"But this is....excellent," said Ron happily"Its all your fault Y/n and Harry...Mum cant blame me at all. Can I tell her?" 

"Yeah, I supposed you'd better," said Harry dully

"Speically if she think they're receiving stolen cauldrons or something," I added

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