Astronomy Tower

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Harry and I pulled up Dumbledore to the nearest bolder. Harry held Dumbledore up while I grabbed their arms and thought about Hogsmeade. We stepped forward and I felt a compression and we were back at Hogsmeade. We shivered and dripped in the High Street in Hogsmeade. Everything dark but a few streetlights and upperwindows. 

"We did it, Professor," whispered Harry 

"We did it! We got the horcurx!" I smiled brightly

Dumbledore staggered and leaned on Harry more; his face paler and damper then before

"Sir, are you all right?" I asked helping Harry

"Ive been better," said Dumbledore weakly,"That potion...was no health drink..." 

Dumbledore sank to the ground and I knealt down,"Sir---its okay, you're going to be alright, don't worry," said Harry looking around. There was nobacy around and we needed to get him to the hospital wing

"Wee need to get you up to the school, sit....Pop---Madam Pomfey..." I said

"No," said Dumbeldore,"It is...Professor Snape whom I need...But I don't think...I can walk very far just yet..." 

"Right--sir, listen--I'm going to knock on a door, find a place you can stay--then I can run and get Madam---" said Harry

"Severus," said Dumbledore,"I need Severus..." 

"All right then, Snape,"I said, holding his shoulder

"But I am going to have to leave you two for a moment so I can--" Harry said but stopped as footsteps approached us. Madam Rosmerta appeared in a sleeping gown

"I saw you Apparate as I was pulling my bedroom curtains! Thank  goodness! Thank goodness, I couldn't think what to---but whats wrong with Albus," she came to a halt, panting and looked at us

"Hes hurt," I said

"Madam Rosmerta, can he come into the Three broomsticks while I go up to the school and get help for him?" asked Harry

"You cant go up there alone! Dont you realize---havent you seen--?{" 

"If you help me support him," said Harry not listening,"I think we can get him inside---" 

"What has happened," said Dumbledore."Rosmerta whats happened?" 

"The Dark Mark Albus," she pointed to the sky towards direction and there a bright green skull with a snake around it. 

I gasped as Dumbledore said,"When did it appear?" he struggled to his feet and I helped him as he grabbed my shoulder

"Must have been minutes ago, it wasn't there when I put the cat out, but when I got upstairs--" 

"We need to return to the caslte at once," said Dumbledore,"Rosmerta"he staggered a little,"We need brooms--"

"I've got a couple behind the bar," she said frightened,"Shall I run and fetch--?" 

"No Y/n can do it," 

I raised my wand,"Accio Rosmerta Brooms!"

A few seconds later there was a bang as the front door opened and three broomsticks;) shot out into the streets and raced to each of our sides. 

"Rosemerta please send message to the Ministry," said Dumbledore mounted his broom,"It might be that nobody within Hogwarts has yet realized anything is wrong..Y/n, Harry the invisibility cloak," 

Harry pulled out the Cloak and we got onto our broom together and covered ourselves up. We kicked off as Madam Rosmerta walked back to her pub. I gulped at the sight of the Dark Mark and thought about the students inside. I looked to Dumbledore who had determination on his face to get to his school.As we flew over the dark, twisting lane. There was a whistling of the wind in my ear.Dumbeldore mutter a strange language again which seemed to undo the enchantments which he had placed. The Dark Mark was set over the Astronomy tower, the highest of the caslte. 

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