Flirtations and Realizing

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"Mattheo, I am not your herbology book," I said, still reading my herbology book.

"I'd rather read you and not the book," smirked Mattheo

"Damn your really trying to get her arent you," laughed Hermione

I began laughing"In his dreams," I looked at Mattheo"Study of else I will tell Dumbledore that you don't care about school and wasting my time,"

He didn't say a word and went back to his book. I stifled a laugh knowing he has been trying to flirt with me for the past month but I shoot him down or ignore him. I began doing my own homework and finished up my herbology assignment. I took out my history of magic book and walked to the history of magic section. I tried to reach for another book but couldn't. "Accio book," I waved my wand and the book came to me

I walked back to the table and saw the twins sitting down,"Finally your here," said George

"We have been waiting for hours," said Fred. 

I laughed and sat down"Shut it. I have only been gone for less then a minute," 

"Well are you ready for the quidditch match!" asked Fred wrapping his arm around my shoulder

"Yup. If we best Ravenclaw then we play Slytherin and win the cup! I am so excited to try out the new skills me and the other chaser have been working on!" I smiled and opened the book

"You have been practicing very well Y/n/n," said Fred kissing my cheek"Don't worry Georgie and I will protect you from any bludgers. We don't want you to break your ribs or hurt your head again," he laughed

"First of all one of those bludgers was messed with by Dobby. Second off I was distracted when the bludger came," I said looking at him

"Distracted?" he leaned in closer"By what?"

"A wolf," I said smiling at him. He face was just inches away from mine

"Will you two just kiss already?" said George

Hermione hit the backside of his head and he playfully glared at her,"Do it again Mione and watch what'll happen," Hermione blushed like crazy and looked away. I began laughing at her and leaned into Freds shoulder. 

"Okay, well George and I are off to pull some pranks. Bye nerds," he kissed my cheek and walked away with George

I blushed and looked down,"Now look whos blushing," teased Hermione

"Are you and Fred dating?" asked Mattheo 

I forgot he was here and I jumped"N-No. He is my best friend," 

"Sureeee," he rolled his eyes"I have been flirting with you for a month now and never once did I get you to blush. But as soon as he shows up...Hermione thinking what I am thinking," 

"I think so Mattheo," she nodded

"Oh no. What is it?" I asked shaking my head

"We are going to get you two together," smirked Mattheo

"No you are going to study," I said pointing to his book

"Trust me Mattheo. Y/n isn't going to let you do anything about it," said Hermione"I have know her for almost 3 years and when she says No she means it,"

"What she doesn't know wont hurt her," said Mattheo with a grin"Well I am done studying for today. Bye Gryiffindors," 

He stood up and packed his bag before walking away. I rolled my eyes and continued studying. After about 2 more hours, Hermione and I called it quits. We walked out of the libaray and met up with Harry and Ron. We were walking out to Hagrids hut,"Beautiful day," said Hermione as we walked outside"Isn't it,"

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