Talking to Parents for the first time

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I was sitting in the living room as all my kids got their trunks packed for Hogwarts next week. Remi and Rubi were with Fred helping at the shop as they graduated Hogwarts this past year. Archer is going into his 6th year. Gideon and Fabien their 3rd year. Minnie her very first year. 

I opened a letter form McGongall 

Dear Mrs.Potter-Weasley

I am writing this letter to you because Madam Poppy Pomfey is retiring from Hogwarts this year. At the end of summer next year she will be in full retirement. Now I have asked her who are some people she would trust in taking over her Hospital wing and she said the one and only Y/n Lily Potter-Weasley. 

I am offering you the position of Healer at Hogwarts. Please write back to me as soon as you have decided. 

Sincerely Head Mistress 

Minerva McGonagall

"Holy shit," I smiled,"I gotta talk to Fred," 

I sat on the couch reading the letter over and over again

"Auntie Y/n. Can I maybe speak to my parents again?" asked Teddy 

"Sure Teddy," I smiled


"Teddy. Can I speak with you?" I asked leaning on his doorframe

"Sure," he nodded

I motioned Remi and Rubi out. I sat down with 12 year old Teddy on his bed. 

"Am I in trouble?" he asked

"No Teddybear," I smiled,"Do you want to know why I always wear this necklace?" I held my necklace up

"Yes. I noticed you always have it on," he nodded

"Well with this necklace I am able to talk to my parents and your parents from time-to-time. It can also bring people who wear it back to life," I explain,"Do you have to talk to your parents for the first time?" 

His eyes widen and nodded,"Y-Yes Please," 

I held out my hand and he grabbed it. 

"Remus. Tonks," I said,"Are you here?" 

"Hi Fawn," said Remus,"Hey Teddybear," 

"D-Dad?" whispered Teddy with tears in his eyes

"Hi my little munchkin," said Tonks,"I love your green hair!" 

"Auntie Y/n is this really them? Are these their voices?" Teddy asked me

"Yes Teddy. This is your Mum and Dad," I nodded

"Teddy. Your mother and I are so proud of you. You are an amazing Hufflepuff just like your mother. Remember to keep your head up and stay strong," said Remus,"Y/n Thank you for taking care of our son. I love you both dearly," 

"Oi Teddy," said Sirius

"Whos that's?" asked Teddy

"Sirius Black fool," said Sirius

"Shut up Sirius," I said laughing,"God I fucking miss your stupid ass," 

"Langauge," said Mum

"Sorry Mum," I chuckled,"Teddy. That was my Mum Lily Potter. My dad is probably around there somewhere acting stupid," 

"HEY!" yelled Dad

"I knew it," I laughed with Teddy

"Anyways Ignore the stupid Marauders," said Tonks,"Teddy keep your head up," 

"Get bitches as well boy," said Sirius

"Sirius Orion Black," I snapped,"You shut your mouth," 

"Never," he laughed

"He can't be serious," said Teddy laughing

"I am Sirius," said Sirius 

We all busted out laughing. Teddy continued talking with his parents and the others. I smiled at him as he laughed with his parents. I heard the door open and I saw Fred walking in,"Hows is going?" he whispered 

"Good," I smiled as he sat down. He placed his hand on my shoulder and listened into the conversation

"So Teddy got an girlfriends?" asked Tonks 

"Or boyfriends?" said Sirius,"Or both. You never know," 

"N-No but I do have a crush," he said quietly

There was a lot of ooooo from the group. Fred and I chuckled,"Settle down old fucks," I laughed

"Technically you are older then me and your mother Y/n," said Dad

"You know what I meant asshat," I snapped 

"Fisty one aren't you Y/n/n," said Mum. I could hear her smile from me,"You get that from me," 

"So I have you to thank for her being fisty and a bitch all the time," laughed Fred

I slapped his head,"Oi Your the one who married me," 

"I don't regret it," he kissed my neck. 

After an hour of Teddy talking with everyone we let go of hands and he hugged me tightly. 

"Thank you," he cried

"Your welcome Teddy. I wanted to do this a lot sooner but I think this was the right time," I told him and he nodded


"First of all Teddy you look so grown. Secondly Y/n you look old," said Sirius 

"What the fuck do you expect after having six kids and raising 7," I said rolling my eyes

I heard a muffling sound before Remus spoke,"Hey Teddy. You excited about your first day as an Auror?" 

"Yup. Uncle Harry has helped me a lot in preparation," Teddy smiled,"Remi and Rubi have been send spells at me randomly to practice," 

"What?"I turned to him,"Those girls will be the death of me," I shook my head

"You and Harry were for us," said Dad laughing

My jaw dropped,"Fuck you Dad," I laughed

"Anyways. Just remember to stay strong Teddybear. You know you can talk to us any time," said Tonks,"Nice hair by the way. Is that the color your sticking with?" 

"Yup. I like the blue," he smiled,"Well I just wanted to say hi. I gotta go," 

"Bye Munchkin. Tell My mum I said Hello," said Tonks

"I will Mum," Teddy smiled

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