Dumbledores Army

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"SHUT UP!" I yelled to the group in the Room of Requirements

"Thanks, Y/n," Said Harry walking forward"Today, we are going to be learning the disarming charm,"

"Thats a second-year spell," said Zacarias"What is it doing to do against You-know-who,"

"It stopped Harry from dying last year," I said, walking up to him. "If you question our teaching practices, you can leave. I am not having any bullshit in this room" I backed away from him"YOU HEAR THAT! IN THIS ROOM, WE ARE A TEAM! YOU HELP PEOPLE IN THIS ROOM WHEN THEY NEED IT!" I got a bunch of nods and yes from people. Fred smirked and winked at me while I went back to Harry.

"Everyone line up," said Harry. "Two lines behind us," 

Harry and I faced the dummies; I looked behind to see Neville right behind me, looking nervous. I looked at Harry, "Expelliarmus," he yelled at the dummy, making its wand fly out of its hand. I grabbed the fake wand and placed it back inside,"Neville, your turn," I stood beside Neville as he stepped forward, "Expelliarmus," Neville's wand flew backward to the group as they bent down out of the way

"Im hopeless," said Neville

"Youre just flourishing your wand too much," I said tapping his shoulder

"Try it like this. Expelliarmus!" said Harry

As the group went on to do the spell most of the group were able to there were a few that still had trouble with the spell.Ginny set the wand flying across the room breaking a mirror. George sent it flying upwards and sparking. Fred made the wand fly and hit Harry in the eye of his glasses making everyone laugh. Ron made the wand fly a few feet from the dummy. As time went on we spilt into two groups; Harry took those who are very good at the spell and I took the ones that need more practice; Neville, Nigel, Colin and Dennis Creevey.

"Okay. Neville you were flourishing your wand to much. Tight grip. Nigel and Dennis you said the incantation wrong it is Expelliarmus not Explemias. Colin, you were to focused on Harry and I," I said looking at each of them,"Colin you first, Accio Dummy," I pointed at the dummy making it come over to us.

Nigel and Dennis practiced the wording of the incantation. Colin focused more on the dummy than me and managed to do it first try. I sent him with the others. Neville practiced about 25 times on the dummy before finally getting the wand to drop out of its hand,"I DID IT Y/N! I DID IT!" He hugged me and spun me around

"Great job Neville. Go join the others," I messed up his hair and pointed. He started to walk"Neville," he turned to me,"Your wand," I pointed to it on the ground. "You would lose your head if it wasn't attached to your body brother," I laughed as he picked it up

"Brother?" he asked

"Yea you like my brother," I messed up his hair"Go," 

He smiled and walked away as I turned to Dennis, "How do you say the incantation, Dennis?" 

"Expelliarmus," he pointed the wand to the dummy but his own flew out of his hand, and I caught it. 

"Tight wrist movements Dennis," I said handing his back to him"Go practice some. Nigel, what is the incantation?"

"Expelliarmus?" he asked. I nodded"Expelliarmus," he pointed his wand


George and I were messing around because we already know how to do this spell. I was watching Y/n teach a first year how to do the spell. The way she talked to the kid and cheered him on as he did the spell. They kept working on the spell quite a few times before he eventually got it. She cheered him on as they worked on the spell more. Y/n helped Dennis with the spell which he got in no time. Y/n and the first year were sitting on the ground as she helped him with the wrist movements still. 

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