Fake it

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Mr. Olivandar had told Voldemort where to get the elder wand. Voldemort seemed very happy, so I did not get tortured for a week but that was a month ago and I was thinking because I don't think I could hold on any longer. I felt my mind leaving, but I tried to hold on.

"This is your last chance...tell us the truth!" Yelled Luicus" you lied about where Harry Potter is!"

"I-I didn't lie!" I cried, "He hiding in the forest of Rose!" He slapped me across my face hard,"I wouldn't lie!"

I felt the knife that was against my arm go in a little,"Tell the truth!" chuckled Bellatrix

"Bella,Lucius, that's enough!" Yelled Narcisa"you have been torturing this girl for 8months! She didn't know the first night she came here she doesn't know now!"

I saw Draco and Mattheo nod looking at me with tears in their eyes,"Please stop. She doesn't know anything," said Mattheo

Bellatrix slapped Mattheo making him fall to the ground,"Don't tell me what to do you idiot boy," she spat and walked back to me and dug the knife in more.

"ENOUGH!" Yelled Snape"That is enough! I just got word from the Dark Lord that we are not to touch Yn Potter until he arrives next week!"

Lucius dropped his hands from my hair and neck while Bellatrix brought in the knife a little more than dropped the knife to the floor

"Draco take her down to the dungeons," scolded Lucius glaring at Snape

"I will," said Snape grabbing my arm gentle. He lifted me up onto my feet. He pulled me down the stairs and opened the gate. Once he knew no one was around he turn to me,"I am sorry this has happened to you Li-Y/n. You do not deserve this."he looked at my arm,"Why have you used your powers?"

"I don't want them to know. You haven't told them about my powers?" I said confused leaning on a wall

"No, that's something that The Dark Lord shouldn't know about," he said

"T-Thank you," I said sitting against the wall feeling tired

Every night for the next week Cassie,Mattheo and Draco would visit us to give us food and help with the wounds. The other Death Eaters were all confused why my wounds heal so quickly but even with them healing me. I was still to weak to walk on my own.

I was woke up and brought upstairs a week later.

"Your time has come boys," said Lucius to Draco and Mattheo

"What?" Asked Draco

"Torture Potter," cackled Bellatrix

"WHAT!" Yelled Mattheo in shock,"No I am not hurting my friend!"

"Yes you are!"snapped Bellatrix,"You need to show your a real Death Eater! After your fail of killing Dumbledore!" She glared

Mattheo nodded and pointed his wand at me,"Crucio," I didn't feel anything but screamed faking it so they would believe him

"Crucio," said Draco shaking and nothing happened

Mattheo grabbed my hair and lifted me to his face"Was it real?" He whispered

"NO!" I cried faking it,"Please stop hurting me!"

"Good job boys!" Said Lucius clapping,"We will leave you too it and be back in an hour!"

"Care if we take it up to Draco's room?" Mattheo sneered

"Go right ahead boy," said Bellatrix smiling with her nasty teeth

Mattheo grabbed my arm and walking me up the stairs and through a door. When I enter the room I saw a king size bed with green all around. Mattheo set me on a couch that was warm and comfortable,"How are you feeling?" asked Draco,"Yn I am so sorry this has been happening to you. I know we never got along in school but I feel horrible. You don't deserve this." He tapped my back softly making me jumped slightly

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