New Student

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Harry and I walked to where we were meeting Lupin to fight against the dementors. We walked inside and set our bags down,"Y/n? Harry?" asked Lupin"There you are. You came," he was over a railing"Now are you two sure about this. You know this is very advanced magic well beyond the Ordinary Wizarding Level,"

"We're sure," I said, looking up at him

"Well everything prepared," said Lupin pointing to a trunk"Now the spell I am going to try to teach you is called the Patronus charm. Did you ever hear of it?" 

I shook my head."No," 

"No,sir," said Harry watching Lupin walk down the stairs

"A Patronus is a kind if postive force and for the wizard who can conjure one, it works something like a sheild with the dementor feeding on it rather than him. But in order for it to work, you need to think of a memory. Not just any memory, avery happy memory,a powerful memory. Can you do this?" said Lupin sitting on the trunk. We both nodded

"Yes? Very well," said Lupin"Close your eyes. Concentrate. Explore your past," 

I closed my eyes and thought of a happy memory. "Allow you to fill you up," I thought of the time I met the twins for the first time"Lose yourself within it," I smiled at the memory and remembers every word they said that day"Then,speel the incantation, Expecto Patronum,"

"Expecto Patronum," I said smiling with my eyes closed

"Expect Patronum," said Harry

"Very good," whisper Lupin. I opened my eyes to see him at the trunks"Ready?" I nodded"Wand at the ready," I took my wand from my hair letting it fall down.He unlocked the trunk and looked at us both. He opened the trunk and the dementor came out

I raised my wand and pointed at it,"Expecto Patronum!" harry and I yelled

"Expecto Patronum," said Harry

"Expecto Patronum," I said   

"Expecto....Expect," Harry fell to the ground

I looked at him,"Focus Y/n!" 

I looked back at the dementor,"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I yelled. I felt light headed and fainted on top of Harry. "Y/n," yelled a man

I woke up to Harry shaking me,"There we go your up," said Lupin "Its alright I didn't expect you to do it the first time," he grabbed something from his pocket"That would have been remarkable. Here," he handed us pieces of chocolate,"Eat you'll feel better,"

I took the piece and took a bite."That was one nasty dementor," said Harry

"Oh No, no no no.That was a boggart, harry A boggart,"said Lupin "the real thing would be worse. Much much worse," I stood up and helped harry up"As a matter of interest what were you thinking?Which memory did you choose"

"I thought of the first time I met the twins and saw them,"

"First time I rose a broom," said Harry

"Those are not good enough. Not nearly good enough," said Lupin

Harry began to walk over to Lupin and I stayed by the wall"Theres another," said Harry

I began to think about my memories,"Its not happy exactly. Well it is...Its the happiest I've ever felt but its compacted," said harry

"Is it strong?" asked Lupin. Harry turned around and nodded

"Then lets give it a try," said Lupin"Ready?" 

I shook my head"No," I kept thinking until I started to remember something. A long black-haired man holding me and singing a song with a brown hair man and a blonde hair man. They handed me to a red-haired girl and a blackish-brown-haired man. All of them were sing a song and I heard me laughing. 

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