Your my idiot

978 10 11

Over the next few months, Umbridge has been in everyone one of our classes talking to the teachers. She has been waving her wand to fix students' uniforms. She has separated students from kissing or just holding hands. Fred and I held hands, walking to class when she separated us and made me hit a wall. Fred had to hold me back from pouncing on her that day. She banned the twin's products, which made them mad but they didn't listen. There was no more music alone in the hallways. There were about 5 rules a day set which was unreasonable. Most of the students have locked themself in their common rooms or dorms to avoid her. I got my grades back up and had no more fights. Fred, George, and Harry were banded from Quidditch for beating up Draco for talking bad about Mrs.Weasley after the game. Fred didn't get a punch because Angelina, Alicia held him back while I stood in front of him. Ginny is the new seeker and is very amazing. I haven't talked to the new beaters really but they are good; I miss having the twins on the field with me. 

I stood with Hermione as Filch brought out Trelawlaneys luggage,"Is she getting sack?" I heard a girl asked

"I don't know," said another

Umbridge walked up to Trelawuney"16 years I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home," cried Trelawney"You cant do this,"

"Actually I can," Umbridge raised a paper up.

 McGonagall pushed past me and Harry and ran to the teachers. 

"Something you'd like to say dear?" asked Umbridge

"Oh there are several things I would like to say," said Mcgonagall before the doors opened

Dumbledore walked out to the three teacher,"Professor Mcgongall,Might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" Mcgonagall guided Treylanwey Dumbledore grabbed her hand as she walked past

"Dumbledore!May I remind you that under the terms of Educational Decree Number 23 as enacted by the Minister,"

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not however have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster," says Dumbledore

"For now," said Umbridge

Dumbledore turned around and walked into the caslte"DONT YOU ALL HAVE STUDYING TO DO!"

Harry and I ran to Dumbledore and tried to catch up with him yelling his name but he kept walking. I tired to push past students to get to him but it was no use. We headed up to the common room that was empty and looked at where Hermione was pacing with Ron were sitting on the couches looking at her; I sat on the couch as Harry sat near the radio,

"That foul, evil old gargoyle!"said Hermione"We are not learning how to defend ourselves. We are not learning how to pass our O.W.L.s. She is taking over the entire school,"

Fudge came onto the radio and Harry turned it up,"Futhermore, we have convincing evidence that these disappearances are the work of notorious mass murderer Sirius Black. Make no mistake," 

"Harry!" said the fire Sirius

I turned to the fire and stood up as Harry walked over to it and I joined,"What are you doing here?" asked Harry

"Answering your letter," said Sirius "Said you were worried about Umbridge. Whats she doing?Training you to kill half-breeds?"

"Sirius she is not letting us use magic at all," I said looking at the fire

"Well I am not surprised," said Sirius"The latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn't want you train in combat,"

"Combat?" asked Ron"What does he think that we are forming some kind of wizarding army"

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