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I woke up at 2;30am and grabbed my quidditch stuff trying to make no noise for the other girls. I got changed and grabbed clothes for afterwards and met up with Ginny in the hallway. We walked down the stairs where Angelina, Alicia, Ron and the two beaters. I yawned,"Morning,"

"Morning everyone!" said Angelina peppy

"Angie take it down a few notches," yawned Ginny

We all walked down to the quidditch pitch and started practice; while Angelina was yelling I was practically sleeping,"Y/N WAKE UP!" yelled Angelina

I shot awake and heard laughing at the stands; I looked over to see Fred and George watching us. As practice went on Angelina finally stopped yelling. We were trying to score on Ron but he kept blocking them which was good. Ginny and I were messing around trying to stay awake when I slipped off my broom,"Y/N!" yelled Fred. Right before I hit the ground I levitated and went down slowly. I got up and brushed myself off,"IM GOOD!" I yelled up to him. I grabbed my broom and continued to practice; Ginny had caught the snitch 6 times while we practice. When we finally finished we headed into the locker room,

"Nice work today, guys. Y/n stop falling asleep. Y/n and Ginny stop messing around. We need to win against Ravenclaw," said Angelina

"We will. We have been practicing a lot lately, so don't worry about it," I said, shrugging,"We got a good team,"

"If we don't mess around," said Angelina

"Sorry but Fred and George arent here no more. I gotta mess around for their sake," I laughed

"Go shower!" she said rolling her eyes.

Everyone laughed and we all went to shower and get changed. I walked out of the locker room with Ginny laughing; George and Angelina were talking while Fred was waiting for me,

"Hello, love. Good job out there," he wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"Not a good job. She messed around the whole time," said Angelina

"Angie don't get your wand in a twist," I smiled

"Next practice your doing laps," said Angelina

"You love me. Dont you dare deny it," I smirked. "Anyways what are you boys doing up so earlier?"

"We wanted to see you practice," saidGeorge wrapping his arm around Angelina"Ginny nice job out there"

"I know," said Ginny without any emotion

I wrapped my arm around her,"Thats a girl," I said as we walked into the great hall.

Ginny ran off to Micheal; Fred and I sat down at the Gryffindor table. I loaded my plate with food,"You ready for today?" Fred whispered into my ear

"What do you have planned?" I smirked

"A lot," he smirked back and pulled me closer,"A whole lot," he placed his hand under my shirt against my stomach,"Eat up and go get ready my love," he kissed my lips

I looked at him and bit my lip,"What if I don't want to?" I whispered into his ear

"Trust me you do," he whispered in mine

I began to eat my food while feeling him rub my thigh making me squirm a bit,"Stop squirming love," he whispered into my ear and guiding his hand under my shorts. I bit my lip,"Your an arse," I whispered to him.

"Did you finish your food?" he asked. I nodded,"Go get ready,"

I kissed his cheek before heading out the Great Hall; I walked throughout the halls and noticed Mattheo walking alone in one. I did as he said and ignored him. He glared at me as I past him. I walked to the common room and up to my dorm. I grabbed the outfit and stuff and took another shower. I did the whole 9 yards; shampoo, conditioner, body wash, scrub, shaving, face mask, lotion and a whole lot more. I got dress and walked out of the bathroom,

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