The Start

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I grabbed Harrys hand and we rushed out of the Hall. I sense eyes following us out of the Great Hall. We stopped two floors up," Harry---I-I think we need to split up and look separately...Hogwarts is to big..." 

Harry pulled me into a hug,"I will see you. Ready to conquer Voldemort," he said 

I chuckled,"Ready as I'll ever be," 

I took one good look at my brother before we ran separate ways. I ran up to the fifth floor and looked around; I closed my eyes trying to remember Bellatrix's conversation with Lucius. I opened my eyes,"Room of Requirements!" I gasped 

I heard screams and realized the war begun. I ran with my wand tight by me. I looked around for anyone I know and the corridor was empty. I ran down the stairs and turned the corner where i found Fred, Lee and Hannah standing beside a empty Plinth. I saw Harry and walked beside him

"Nice night for it," Fred shouted as the caslte quaked. He turned around and saw me and smiled. I waved and grabbed Harrys hand. We ran around another corner and came crashing into some people; Ron and Hermioen. We began running

"Where the fuck have you been?" I yelled

"Chambers of Secerts," said Ron nonchantly

"Chameber----what?" said Harry 

"It was Ron, all Rons idea!" said Hermione,"Wasnt it absolutely brilliant? Theres we were, after you left, and I said to Ron, even if we fine the other one, how are we going to get rid of it? We still hadn't  got rid of the cup! He though of it! The baslisk!"

"Brilliant! Something to get rid of the Horcruxes!" I said looking at the fang in Rons hand,"But how did you get in there? You need to speak Parseltongue,"

"You talk in your sleep," said Hermione

"You as well Harry," said Ron

"Brilliant. The diadem is in the Room of Requirments," I said,"You guys clear it out. I see someone that needs help,"

They nodded and ran off. I fought three death Eaters with Dean and Luna. I managed to kill one of them without using the killing curse.  I stunned another as Dean killed him by throwing him out the window. Luna stunned another then shot a curse at him making him fall over. 

"Nice work guys," I smiled looking at them

"You help a lot," said Dean,"I thought we weren't going to make it," 

"I will see you guys around," I smiled,"Stay safe,"

I heard noises from behind us and turned around to see 5 death Eaters. We all began to fight hard. I shot energy blasts at them and made two of them fly out the window without their wands and heared a hard crash on the ground. Luna was fighting a Death Eater and she managed to slow the death eater down before using the blasting cussre and sending hem to the wall and killing instantly. I saw Dean get thrown back and hurt. LUna and I fought off the last two Death Eaters in no time. 

I ran to the Room of Requirements and saw Mattheo, draco, Crabbe and Goyle talking with Harry, Ron and Hermione I slowly walked behind them and raised my wand,"Better watch out," I sneered

They turned around,"Hello Boys," I said darkly,"Why don't you run along," I shoved past them. 

"Expelliarmus!" yelled Harry. Goyles wand flew out of his hand and disappeared. Goyle lept trying to retire it. Mattheo and Draco lept out of range as I sent a stunning spell at Crabbe. 

Harry, Hermione and Ron pulled my shirt as Crabbe sent a killing curse at us. We ran away from them. Ron chased after Crabbe, Draco, Mattheo, and Goyle after they sent a curse at Hermione,"THATS MY GIRLFRIEND YOU BLOODY GIT!" 

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