Who is what now?

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The day before holiday, Harry and I had the invisibility cloak and were walking across the courtyard. I saw the twins making a snowman and we kept walking. Fred and George seemed to have noticed us because they dragged us"Guys let us Go!" 

"Clever Harry Y/n," said George

"But not clever enough!" said Fred

"Beside we've got a better way!" said George

"Let us go," I said "We are trying to get to hogshead,"

"We know," said they said in unison

"Dont worry we show you a quicker way," said Fred

"If you pipe down," said George

They set us on somestairs and we pulled off the cloak. "Come on Harry Y/n. Come and join the big boys Harry," they said in unison

"What are you doing?" I asked mad

"Shush," they said and handed me a paper

"Whats this rubbish?" I said looking at it

"Whats this rubbish," laughed Fred"She says. That there is the secert to our success,"

"Its a wrench givivng it to you,believe me," said George

"But we have decided..." said Fred

"Your need are greater then ours," in unison

"George if you will," said Fred 

George pulled out his wand and point at the map,"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," 

"Messieurs Mooney, Wormial, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauders Map?" I said reading it

"We owe them so much," said George

Harry grabbed the paper from me, and opened it"Hangon. This is Hogwarts,"

I stole the map and looked at it,"And that...No..."


"In his study"


"Does that a lot,"

"So you mean this map shows," said Harry

"Everyone," said Fred

"Everyone?" I asked

"Where they are," said Fred

"What they are doing," said George

"Or very minute," said Fred

"Of everyday," said george

"Brillant! Where did you get it?" I asked looking at them

"Nicked it from filchs office, of course. First year," said Fred

"Now listen there are seven secert passageways out of the caslte. We recomed," they pointed to the map

"This one," 

"The one-eye witch passageway. It'll lead you striaght to Honeydukes Cellar," said Fred"Best hurry flich is heading this way," 

"Oh and Y/n, Harry dont forget when your done just give it a tap and say Mischeif Manage," said George 

"Otherwise anyone can read it," they siad in unison

I hugged the boys tightly and Harry and I went to the statue. We walked through the passage ways and climbed out of the passage through a hole. Harry helped me up and we walked upstairs with the cloak on. We waled through the shop looking ar all the candies. Harry stole Nevilles lollipop. We continued to walk until we went to the shreaking shack. We saw Draco picking on Ron and Hermione,"How dare you talk to me," i made a snowball"you filthy little mudblood," I threw it at Draco hard

Mystery (Fred Weasley x Y/n Potter)Where stories live. Discover now