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Every teacher was now expecting nonverbal spells. Hagrid had me deal with very dangerous animals but he was helping me. In herbology we had to deal with dangerous plants like Venonmous Tentacula. I felt bad for cutting Matteho out of my life but I didn't like him like that. 

"We've got to go and explain," said Hermione looking at Hagrids empty chair

"We've got Quidditch tryouts this morning!" said Ron,"And we're supposed to be practicing Aguamenti Charm from Flitwick! Anyway, explain what? Howare we going to tell him we hated his subject," 

"I didn't hate it!" I said sharply

"We didn't hate it," said Hermione

"Speak for yourself, I haven't forgotten the skrewts," said Ron,"Im telling you now, we've had a narrow escape. You didn't hear him going on about his gormless brother...we'd have been teaching Grawp how to tie his shoelaces if we'd stayed,"  

"I hate not talk to Hagrid," said Hermon upset

"We will go after quidditch," said Harry

"He misses you all," I said ,"I better get down there. Trails might take all morning, the number of people who have applied," I felt nervous,"I dunno why the teams this popular all of a sudden,"  I took a sip of my drink

"Oh, come on, Y/n!" said Hermione,"Its not Quidditch that's popular, its you! You've never been more interesting and frankly, you've never been more fanicable,"

I spit out my drink onto Ron,"WHAT!" I wiped my mouth

"Everyone knows you've been telling the truth now, don't they. Harry Y/n, the whole wizarding world has had to admit that you two were right about Voldemort being back and that you really have fought him in the last 2 years and escaped both times. Now they are calling you 'The Chosens ones' well come on, cant you see why people fascinated by you?" she took a deep breathe,"And you have been through all prosecution form the Ministry when they were trying to make out you were unstable and a liar. You can still see the marks on the back of your hands where that evil woman made you write with your own blood, but you stuck to the story. . "

"You can still see where those brains got hold of me in the Ministry," said Ron pulling back his sleeves,

"And it doesn't hurt that you've grown about a foot over the summer either," Hermione finished

"I'm tall," said Ron 

The post owls arrived leaving waiter droplets on everyone. A lot of people were receiving more post than usual from their anxious parents. Juniper showed up with a small box for me; I grabbed it and petted her letting her cuddled into my arms. Harry and Ron got their books for potions,

"Oh good!" said Hermione as I pulled the wrapping off my gift,"Now you can give that graffitied copy back!" 

"Are you mad?" said Harry,"I'm keeping it! Look I've thought it out--" 

I blocked out everything he did after word and focus on my gift. I opened the lid to see something from Weasley Wizard Weezes. I pulled out the note;

Hi love, 

Thought you might need this;)

From your boyfriend

I looked at the item to know exactly what it is. I closed the box bright red in the face and put it in my bag. 

"Anyone we know dead?" asked Ron determinedly casual

"No but there have been more dementor attacks," said Hermione,"And an arrest," 

"Excellent who?" said Harry

"Stan shunpike,"

"What?" I said startled

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