Moving to The New Dorm

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Tatsumi brings the BB to the dorm, where Maya, the director of Student Affairs, gives them a brief tour and tells them to read the starter pack on the table. Their uniforms are in each room, already tailored to use for tomorrow. They eat the stored bento boxes for lunch and dinner.

The weather for today is sunny.


[April 8, Sunday - week 2]

The day of the move is here, and Tatsumi parks his black car in front of the dorm entrance. He tells the five BBs to leave the vehicle, which they hesitantly do.

"Tatsumi," Seiya pleads as he rubs his palms. "Come on! Take us back to the mansion."

"Milady's orders are absolute!" Tatsumi points with his finger.

Tatsumi gets back in the car and drives away. Seiya kneel drops to the ground, and extends his arm.

"Wait, Tatsumi!"

A sudden voice speaks.

"Welcome, I've been waiting."

The BBs shift their attention to a stern, middle-aged brunette with glasses wearing conservative business attire, who raises her voice. They momentarily stare at her looks.

"I am Maya Kaburagi, the Director of Student Affairs. Follow me."

The boys reluctantly follow Maya inside and observe an empty room.

"This is the lounge that is referred to as the common area. This is where you'll be spending most of your time. There's a starter pack on the table, along with your dorm keys. Do not lose them." Maya continues, "This counter here is to greet visitors. But it won't happen in your case. Any concerns should be consulted with the director. The door behind the counter leads to this dormitory's exclusive gym."

They head to the dining area next to the lounge, separated by a partition.

"This is the dining area. The two doors on opposite sides lead to the kitchen on the left and the laundry to your right. Both have exits leading to the backyard, the place to hang your laundry."

The tour continues by climbing the stairs to the second floor, where they observe a table with a large cabinet. There are also six dorm rooms to their right.

"The dorm rooms are to your right. Choose whichever you like. This spot is also the study area."

Lastly, they head to the third floor. There is a large door before them.

"The floor after this leads to the roof. There are also rooms to your right, but that is not your concern."

"How come?" Seiya asks.

"Save the questions for later."

Maya tucks her glasses as she leads the boys to the library. It's filled with shelves on all sides that contain all sorts of topics that mimic those in the main building. There's a large table too.

"This is the dormitory's exclusive library. You're allowed to use the library in the main building, of course, but you'll need a library card to borrow books. You'll also need to return the borrowed book in exchange for another book if you wish to borrow it also. Such restriction doesn't exist here, but you better not lose any of the books regardless of where you borrow them. You can also study here too, hence the large table in the middle of this room. Keep in mind library hours at the main building are limited. There's no limit here, so you can remain for as long as possible. You can study however you wish."

Maya escorts them to the first floor once the tour finishes.

"That concludes your introductory tour. Any questions?"

"Will there be other students besides us?" Hyoga asks.

"Under normal circumstances, twelve students of mixed gender can live here. But Miss Kido asked us to reserve this for the five of you."

"You said visitors are not allowed. Can you elaborate?" Shiryu asks.

"Visitors are allowed under normal circumstances too, but not in your case. Consult the director as I don't have any information."

"This will sound off-topic, but the name Gurade is associated with Mitsumasa Kido. What does he have to do with this school?" Ikki asks with arms crossed.

"Mitsumasa Kido was an educator. He founded this school."

"Are you sure that's the same Mitsumasa who sent us overseas?" Seiya asks.

"I simply know he served as the director for many years. That is all." Maya continues. "There are a few things you need to know. You have box lunches supplied in the kitchen, and each dorm room has its bathroom. To bathe, you must use the one in the gym. Your regular, summer, and PE uniforms are in the closets, along with a bag containing supplies. I'll be going."

Maya exits the dorm, leaving the boys all by themselves.

"Talk about an unappealing person," Hyoga says.

"I hope that's the last we see of her," Seiya says.

"This dorm is so empty..." Ikki says, looking at his surroundings.

Shiryu sits on the sofa and gestures for his friends to sit too. "Come on! Let's read the starter pack. We should have a basic idea about the rules of this school."

Ikki reads his starter pack and a letter informing him of a quarantine he must comply with starting tomorrow. He reads that he'll receive his schoolwork by mail every morning and must mail his homework at the end of the day. The reasons stated are due to circumstances regarding his background. Ikki, of course, shows the customized letter to his friends.

"Are you sure that's what it said, Big Brother?" Shun asks.

"Unfortunately, yes," Ikki says.

"That's not fair!" Seiya says.

"That's awful, but it is what it is," Hyoga says.

Many hours pass as they sit and read the starter pack, and nighttime has fallen. They head to the second floor and stop by the dorm room doors to ponder who picks their designated room.

"I'll choose my room and take this last one to the right," Seiya says.

"Well, I choose this first to my left," Shun says.

"I choose the one next to Shun," Ikki says.

"I'll choose the first one to the right," Shiryu says.

"I'll choose the one between Seiya and Shiryu then," Hyoga says.

"Alright, we got our rooms. Goodnight, everybody!"

Seiya enters his dorm room, and the layout is like back at the yacht house. There's even a cardboard box filled with his belongings. He checks the closet and sees the uniforms Maya mentioned.

"Well, at least I got my room back..." Seiya sighs.

He slumps into bed to catch some sleep for the day tomorrow.

To be continued...


Shiryu's and Hyoga's eyes are cured and will be like this for the trilogy.

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