Kyoto Trip part 5

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During breakfast, Seiya wants to know how Shun used his skill in the Libra Temple after he stayed behind. Tensions arise, but they must leave today.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

The weather is sunny all week.


[August 11, Saturday - week 2]

Today is the last day of the Kyoto trip. However, as it was still way into the night, Seiya woke up to use the bathroom. When he finished, he saw a bizarre sight: a sleeping Shun on top of a sleeping Hyoga. Though dark, Seiya can see thanks to the light through the window. The unexpected sight of his two friends makes him quiver with shock.

The following morning, the BBs prepared their goods so they could reunite with the girls to check out and board the bullet train home. However, before they meet, they decide to eat breakfast.

"Five days went by so fast," Hyoga says.

"Yes, hard to believe today's the day," Shun says.

"I really enjoy our time here," Shiryu says.

"Shun, can I ask you something?" Seiya asks.

"Please do." Shun nods.

"What did you do at the Libra Temple after we left? You know, after volunteering to stay behind. "

His question makes them stop eating.

"What's up with that?" Hyoga asks.

"I thought we shouldn't discuss," Shiryu says.

"Besides, this one lecture thing was your idea."

"It's just something's bugging me," Seiya says.

"Seiya, the 12 Houses is over. Why bring it up?"

"Look, I saw when you carried an unconscious Shun to the Scorpio Temple. But I don't know how exactly what happened."

"Seiya, Shun used his cosmo," Shiryu says.

"I know he used his cosmo, but I don't know HOW he used it. Something tells me he employed some method and used his cosmo somehow."

"Seiya, drop it. Nothing good will happen if you keep persisting. You and Hyoga got into a fistfight because of this. Besides, it's just as Hyoga said. It's over, so there's no point bringing that up now."

Seiya tosses his hands up in the air. "Okay, I get it."

Once the chat dies down, the boys continue eating

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Once the chat dies down, the boys continue eating. Seiya, however, mentally prepares to readjust his line of thought to continue the conversation. 

"Okay, Hyoga was inside that huge ice cube, and Shiryu broke it. That I get. What I don't understand is how Hyoga managed to get defrosted. Heat would've been necessary to accomplish that, but there was no source of heat anywhere. Shun stayed behind. The only explanation I can come up with is that Shun used the heat of his cosmo. But how was that possible when Hyoga was inside the huge ice cube made by a Gold Saint? Did Shun employ some kind of skill we weren't aware of?"

"Does it really matter at this point?" Shiryu asks.

"Okay, Hyoga, do you know?"

"How should I know? I was unconscious the entire time. Then I woke up, found Shun passed out, and carried him to the Scorpio Temple. That's all there was. Besides, shouldn't you ask Shun that?"

"Good idea! Shun, explain!"

"I believe Shiryu is right when he asked if that matters now. The 12 Houses are over, and we're here. I think such things are not worth asking how they were employed. I did what I did. That's all."

Seiya sighs and backs off, but Ikki hastily opens the shoji partition, overhearing the conversation. 

"My brother and Hyoga did what now?!"

"Oh, crap..." Seiya mutters.

They stop eating, and it is unknown if a response would trigger a never-ending argument or fistfight like the one that happened at school.

"What about the Libra Temple? What happened?"

Seiya must respond quickly, so he'll try to summarize in a single line as vaguely as possible, and he hopes Ikki will understand.

"Hyoga was in trouble, Shun saved him, the end."

Even so, the rest brace themselves for the worst.

"Okay, fair enough." Ikki shuts the shoji afterward.

"Thank goodness," Shiryu murmurs.

The boys finish eating their breakfast and sigh in relief. They dress up and grab their goods to meet with the girls at the lounge to check out and ride the bullet train to arrive home early. Once they arrive at the Shibuya subway station, they and the girls head home separately. Given the long ride, the boys rest after returning to their dorm.

To be continued...

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