Greenery Day part 2

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Holiday observed, no classes. Seiya breaks a punching bag while Hyoga freezes the pool. He shatters the ice triggering an explosion, scaring dorm students nearby. Then the police arrive and inspect nearby dorms. When the police approach their dorm, the BBs hide in their rooms. Upon finding nothing, the police leave the campus. Mitsuru calls them, asking if everything's all right. Then BBs talk about alternatives to keep their skills fresh. Some say out of the city is suggested, but others have doubts.

The weather for today is sunny.

This week begins the May chapter.


[April 30, Monday - week 1]

Just as Shiryu said, there is no class today because yesterday was a holiday, and it is now observed. Seiya thinks of honing his skills at the dorm gym using a punching bag.

"The gym's fine and all, but I real action," he says.

He accidentally blows the punching bag due to excessive force. Seiya watches as sand drops to the floor.

"Whoops! I overdid it." Seiya shrugs with sweat.

Then a sudden earth-shattering kaboom occurs.

"No way! That came from the pool!"

Seiya dashes toward the dorm pool, expecting the worst since he's a Saint. But instead, he sees a confused Hyoga and friends who also appear simultaneously.

"What the—?" Seiya asks, shocked at the view.

He sees an ice-shattered hole in the middle of the pool. Chunks of ice are floating around, and screams of students at nearby dorms rip through the walls immediately.

"What's going on here?" Shiryu asks, also surprised.

"I got the idea of honing my skills and... overdid it," Hyoga explains.

Then they hear sirens in the distance.

"That's not good. We need to hide fast. Let's hide in my room," Seiya says.

"Bad idea! It's best to split since a group would be uncovered," Shiryu says.

"I agree with Shiryu. Splitting up would be better," Ikki agrees.

The BBs quickly hide in their rooms, each waiting for the lights to fade.


Seiya hears knocks on the front door. His hand reaches the handle but refrains, given that his friends would do the same if he did so. This would've made the police assume anything.

"I hear knocks on the door. I bet the others have heard it too. We can't get questioned."

Some time pass, and the knocking fades, and the outside lights and noise withdraw as an indication that it's over. Each of the boys slowly opens the door and leaves their room.

"What a relief," Shun says.


Or so they think. The phone then rings, giving them a jump scare.

"What now?!" Seiya asks, frustrated.

"That's most likely Saori-san or Mitsuru-san," Shiryu says.

They sigh as they slowly descend the stairs. Seiya picks up the phone with a lot of hesitation.

"Hello?" Seiya timidly speaks.

"It's me, Mitsuru. Are you boys alright? The police came to the school."

"Yeah, we're fine..."

"That's good to hear. Let me guess, you used your powers?"

"Uh, yeah, we did."

"I thought so. Look, boys, you won't get another chance if you're expelled. Miss Kido hasn't been notified since thing major occurred, but please do not engage in that again. See you later."

Seiya and Mitsuru both hang up. The BBs sit on the sofa, completely demoralized.

"That is so not cool, man..." Seiya says.

"We can't hone our skills anymore..." Hyoga adds.

"Okay, I think we learned our lesson," Shiryu says.

"I agree. Let's do this to avoid getting suspended," Shun says.

"Is there really no other way?" Seiya asks.

"Seiya, how about outside the city?" Hyoga whispers.

"You mean, like the outdoors and stuff? You know, you're on to something."

"Whatever you two are planning, you do you. I'm not getting involved." Shiryu shrugs.

"Um, good luck, you two..." Shun shudders with a sweat.

Ikki huffs, arms folded, not giving care as always.

To be continued...

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