Ikki Likes Coffee

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Ikki goes to a vending machine in the courtyard during lunchtime to buy soda, but a can of iced coffee drops instead. He likes the taste so much that he purchases a second can and consumes it.

Class topics for this week (random): Ancient Greek Philosophy - Aristotle (English, History); Shinto Philosophy - Asuka (Morals, Social Studies); Newton's Law of Physics part 3 (Physics); Biology Basics - Plant vs Animal Cells (Biology); Tale of Genji chapters 42-end (Literature)

The weather is sunny and cloudy mix.

This week concludes the June chapter.



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[June 25, Monday - week 5]

Ikki takes a break in the school's courtyard after eating lunch. He sits on the bench where Kyoko also sits with the orange pouch at his side.

"Kyoko's not coming. That's right! She said she'd be off because of the upcoming final exams. She gets home exhausted from work and needs time to catch up. She said so last Friday."

The school's courtyard is vast, with some students here and there as expected for lunch break. Some sit on benches while others stroll.

"That's not a problem since I ate my lunch. Seiya does have a talent for cooking. I never saw it coming. Perhaps I relied too much on her food. Wait! Me, depend on something? Ridiculous!" Ikki sighs a puffy cloud.

He takes out a wrapped melon bread from the pouch and tears it open.

"I'm thankful for Shiryu bringing the leftovers of the fundraiser, but melon bread isn't enough to hold me for the whole morning. Thank goodness Saori sent a box of curry for our breakfast and dinner needs."

He eats the melon bread, one bite at a time until he finishes. Then, he gets up from the bench and throws the wrap into the nearest trash can.

"Alright, I'm going to get a can of soda from the vending machine."

Ikki approaches one of the vending machines available and inserts a 100-yen coin into the slot. He does this sometimes during lunch break. Once he inserts the coin, he presses the button for the soda can he drinks, but a different canned drink comes out instead, and picks it up.

"This isn't what I asked for. I asked for a can of soda. And that's the button I always press. Why would something else come out?"

The other drink he picks up is canned iced coffee from the same brand.

"This comes from the brand I drink, but it's a coffee version. Maybe it was placed there by mistake? The designs are similar, though."

He thoroughly inspects the can.

"It says iced coffee... with milk. Well, I gave money, and I wouldn't want to toss a whole can away, so I might try at least once."

He opens the can and sips once. Then, upon finding the taste appealing, he consumes the entire can. He stares at the can he finished.

"Okay, I like it. It's sour, but I like it. The milk makes it sweet, though. Maybe I should try again, so where's the correct slot?" He searches until he finds the iced coffee's right slot. "There it is."

He presses the button, and the canned iced coffee comes out. He throws the first can into the trash bin and opens it to consume the second one.

"Looks like I've become a coffee fan!"

With that said, he finishes the second can.

To be continued... 


80th chapter! Yay!

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