July Final Exams part 3

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Test results are given. Shoko and Chihiro ask the BBs about summer plans. BBs explain they cannot travel overseas, so they ask if it is possible within Japan. If so, they choose Kyoto. Alicia, Mei, and Kyoko join in and agree. They exchange phone numbers and each other's birthdays. Shoko demands to call once they get Saori's approval.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.


[July 20, Friday - week 3]

Final exams are over, but test results will be given today. Haruka doesn't delay handing the report cards with the mid-year grades.

"Alright, those with commentaries on a small note must remain in class for a brief orientation on summer school. Those who do not can leave."

Seiya raises his hand upon inspecting his grades.

"Haruka-san, I don't have a note."

"This means you don't need summer school."

"Really?" Seiya asks with a tilted head.

"Yes! Be grateful, Pegasus, because your grades increased to tier level. You would've attended summer school if they remained at average level."

"What's exactly summer school?"

"Exactly what it sounds like. It's a week of intensive class taking to raise your grades that will occur next month. Now, before some of you leave, I must hand this too. It's a homework survey of topics given thus far. Be sure to fill them out by the end of your summer vacation."

"Wait! Homework to do during vacation?!"

"Never done it? It's the norm at every Japanese school. It's to ensure students remain productive and not merely slack off."

Once Haruka hands the homework survey booklet, the students with the passing tier grades leave the classroom, including the BBs.

"I can't believe we get to do homework during vacation. We're supposed to be relieved so we can enjoy summer vacation," Seiya says.

"Now, now, Seiya." Shiryu sweat drops. "I get why this is the case. We'll just do them, no problem. Given the thinness of the booklet, we can do our homework survey at the end of summer vacation."

"Yeah, I expected something thicker like a book," Hyoga says.

Just as they leave, Shoko and Chihiro spot them.

"Hey there, guys! Great timing!" Shoko greets.

"Hey there, Shoko-san. Looks like you passed."

"That's right! Both of us did," Chihiro says.

"Hey! Are you open to talk? We want to discuss our summer plans. Come on! Let's go outside so we can sit! We're a big crowd here."

Shoko spots Mei and Alicia leaving their classroom. "Great timing, you two. We're going outside to discuss our summer plans. Come join us!"

Mei bows. "Hello there."

"Summer plans, eh? Sure, why not?" Alicia says.

The group spots Kyoko in the hallway.

"Kyoko-san!" Shoko greets, waving. "We're heading to the courtyard to talk about our summer plans. Come join us!"

"That explains the large group," Kyoko says.

"Kyoko-san, good to see you," Shun greets.

"Nice to see you, Shun. It's been a while. The same goes for you too. We haven't met since the trip."

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