End of Month Reflections

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Seiya and Hyoga meet and look back that a week has passed. Both reflect on their school life so far.

The weather for today is sunny.

This week concludes the May chapter.


[May 26, Saturday - week 4]

Wearing their loungewear, Seiya and Hyoga gather at the former's dorm room like they do every Saturday night to read magazines and then some.

"Wow, this week is over," Seiya says. He sits on his bed surrounded by magazines he picked up.

"It has. The month is almost over, too," Hyoga says, sitting on Seiya's study desk chair. There are some magazines on the desk too.

"Funny that we adapted to school life pretty quick, and we started a month ago."

"Yeah, and how the two of us argued."

"Wow, that was last week. We got suspended too."

"True, and we also established rules."

"Yep! Those rules are going to serve us well."

Seiya adjusts his seat and mildly stretches.

"What do you want to do? Talk or read magazines?" Hyoga asks.

"Anything that isn't battle-related," Seiya says.

"Haha! You got that right. Let's talk about school."

"Man, these teachers we have are so worth it, even though they look like them. Like the Gold Saints."

"It's like seeing them come back to life with new bodies and names."

"Still, we must treat them as individuals, like Dr. Haruki said. That's the only way we can get through this whole high school."

"They're definitely better than the ones we had."

"Ugh! Nadeshin..." Seiya reacts in disgust.

Hyoga sighs and glances at the window before shifting to Seiya.

"So, how's things at the club?" he asks.

"I expected boredom, but it turns out it's much better. I get free food."

"Free food?" Hyoga perks up.

"Actually, I test the food. I taste everything, even expired stuff."

"Don't you get a stomachache?"

"Not at all. I'm still here."

"Sounds like an easy gig."

"Looks easy on the outside, but it's not that easy if you have to eat expired stuff or charred food. I was told that before me, many students quit because they got sick."

"Okay, I see..."

"What about you? What kind of club did you join?"

"I joined this club where we read a certain text."

"You said non-secular, right? Is it like religion?"

Hyoga nods, agreeing with Seiya's assumption.

"Even Shun's in a club. And Shiryu... him joining the Student Council is a big deal."

"That's going to help us a lot."

"Yeah, and it's starting to pay off because students mellow out. They're not afraid of us anymore."

"They let him join so they can use him to watch over us," Hyoga remarks with a snide.

"Yeah, but the benefits outweigh the cons."

Hyoga adjusts his seat to continue the conversation and grabs a magazine.

"Did you find something in those things?"

"Nah! It's just your standard plot. The cases he takes are different but follow a pattern, and there's always a naked woman in every case."

"These are adult magazines. It's expected."

"True. There's even pull-outs of those women."


"Like posters embedded in magazines. You can pull them out."

"There's also funny stuff in this manga, too." Hyoga skims some pages.

"Funny stuff?"

"Yeah, like this gag of the protagonist using his body part as a weapon."

"Wait, for reals? I haven't noticed."

"Here!" Hyoga lends an open page to Seiya.

"Is he using his thing to break a wall?"

Both flush as they laugh out loud.

"Aw, man! I should pay more attention," Seiya says.

"There's way more instances. Wanna see more?"

Seiya eagerly stares. "I demand you do."

To be continued...


50th chapter! I'm going to take a brief break.

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