Math for Groceries

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Seiya tells his friends he'll shop for groceries tomorrow and asks them to write a list. Shun suggests they must separate food by name to prevent accidental theft. The only thing not to be labeled is a jug of water.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

Today's weather is pouring showers.

This week ends the July chapter.


[July 27, Friday - week 4]

Summer vacation continues, and the BBs are reunited in the sofa lounge amidst another heavy rain. Seiya approaches them to convey important information about grocery shopping.

"Okay, everyone! I'll shop for our groceries starting tomorrow. Since Saori-san will no longer send a box of curry goods, we must budget our food. Therefore, you should make a list of food you like and hand the list to me before the end of the day."

"Let's do what we did last time to make things easier," Shiryu says. "We'll make our list, hand it to Seiya, and then pool our money so he'll have enough to afford our food."

"Yes, I remember giving Seiya some of our money," Hyoga adds. "That won't be a problem."

"Right! There's no need to pay us back because that's not lending but a contribution to have the fridge full of food," Shun says."

"Some of us contributed 2,000 yen. Perhaps we should contribute 3,000 yen instead," Ikki suggests.

"Let's see. Three thousand yen times five of us makes it 15,000 yen. I think that amount should be enough for the month," Shiryu says.

"How about we increase to 4,000 yen?" Hyoga suggests. "Five of us makes it 20,000. That's more than enough to afford and then some."

"Isn't that too much? I know our weekly allowance increased a bit but that much would wipe our budget out," Shun says.

"Shun, Saori-san gives us 6,000 yen a week. Six thousand times five of us makes it 30,000 a week. Six thousand minus 4,000 equals 2,000, meaning there's money left. Besides, Saori-san will cover whatever big expenses we have, just as she's doing with our upcoming Kyoto trip. We'd only need to have money for hangouts and other minor things."

"I think Hyoga's suggestion works," Shiryu adds. "Two thousand yen left for five of us each should cover any necessary expenses."

"I'm okay with 4,000 yen," Ikki says.

"Looks like everyone agrees. Alright, 4,000 yen it is." Shun nods. "After all, spending more means more food in the kitchen."

"Given leftover money, the real math is 6,000 times three weeks plus 2,000 equals 20,000 a month." Hyoga counts with an SD expression.

"Wow! We're back in full circle. We spend 20,000, and we make 20,000 back. Have you run a business before?" Ikki asks.

"No! This is just common sense."

The boys take a breather by looking at the window.

"Now that we have settled, may we separate our food by name? That's because someone ate the takoyaki I brought the other day."

"Shun, you brought takoyaki? Where?"

"In Shibuya, but it was too much for me, so I stored some in the refrigerator to reheat it later. But when I came back they were all gone!"

"What's takoyaki?" Hyoga asks.

"They're fried octopus balls! They're tasty! You should try them!"

"But octopuses are huge! How is that possible?!"

Shiryu sweat drops. "I'll explain later."

"Shun, separating food by name will be easy because we have rolls of plastic storage bags in the kitchen. I presume it was made that way for the elite twelve that used to live here," Seiya explains.

"Good idea! That way no one would argue about stolen food," Ikki says.

"But let's not label water. It's a universal need that we can't do without," Shiryu adds.

Seiya nods, agreeing with their words. "Yep!"

Their chatter continues throughout the day.

To be continued...

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