Silver Cross

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Hyoga invites Alicia to hike at another Fuji 5 lake. However, a pouring shower hits, and they seek shelter in Saori's old cabin, where they're forced to spend the night. Cue the dramatic tension.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

The weather today is a downpour.


[August 18, Saturday - week 3]

It's been a month since their last restaurant visit, and Hyoga feels something is amiss. Due to his discomfort, neither he nor Alicia has interacted with each other since that day. Surely, he noticed she was about to burst into tears and returned home without her.

"Alicia-san, I wonder how she's doing..."

Then he realizes he has her number, so he picks up the phone and marks her number, although he wonders how she'll react.

"Hello?" a familiar voice asks.


"Oh, Hyoga-kun..."

Her greeting was less than enthusiastic.

"Have you been well?" he asks.

"Um, yeah... What do you want?"

"Shoot! I called without a thought. I should've had a plan that doesn't involve food. I have to come up with something that isn't a restaurant."

"Are you available right now? I want to take you on a hiking trip near Mount Fuji. It'll be completely outdoors, and the weather is perfect."

"A hiking trip, you say. What an odd request for a date."

Her voice suggests that she sounds amused at the thought of a hiking trip with him, perhaps even interested. So he takes it as his cue to continue even though the date is improvised on the spot.

"I'm not forcing it on you. It's just a suggestion. Of course, you can reject it, and we can go somewhere else. Maybe you can choose."

"I don't mind."


"It's a long walk, after all."

"I see..."

"When do we go?"

"Today, right now. We'll meet in Shibuya and go from there."

"Wow, that's sudden, but I'll take it. Okay, see you soon."

"Yeah, same here."

Alicia hangs up, followed by him.

"Wow, I didn't expect this to be successful."

The plan is to bring Alicia to one of the Fuji Five lakes, similar to the one he visited with Seiya two weeks before the Kyoto trip. He plans to take her sightseeing in popular tourist areas and venture further. With that in mind, he dresses up in the same gear he wore that day.

Upon exiting the train and meeting with Alicia, Hyoga notices her attire, which he feels is impractical for a hiking trip. That's because she wears a long skirt extending beyond her knees to her ankles.

"Will your skirt get in the way? We'll be hiking around trees, grass, rocks, dirt, and, well... your skirt may get caught in twig or something."

"I'm not a big fan of wearing pants, though."

"Is that so?" He sweat drops.

"Yeah, I only wear them if necessary."

"If you say so. Let's get going."

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