Unexpected Suspension

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Hitsuji from Jamir teaches math on Wednesday mornings using sheep due to his experience in the family business. Kotaro or Koko will teach literature in the afternoons. While in class, Seiya remarks about the Gemini Temple, which leads to a fistfight with Hyoga. Shun and Shiryu get in, and they're sent to the director's office. They're let go for today, and none go to clubs. Saori shows up, too, saying talking about past fights is too dangerous as people might overhear and take it the wrong way.

The weather for today is cloudy and raining.


[May 16, Wednesday - week 3]

Another new teacher enters the classroom. This time, a young man with short gold hair wearing traditional foreign clothing. He wears a tunic with a long shawl and a string on his waist, which ties them like a belt. He also wears white straps on his arms and eyeglasses like the new teachers before him. He approaches the teacher's desk and speaks.

"Good morning. I'm Hitsuji, your math teacher. You might be wondering why I'm wearing such clothes. The truth is I'm from Jamir. It's a place located in the Himalayas, somewhere in Tibet. You may also be wondering about the two facial marks on my face. It's a long story to tell, but I was born with them. Anyway, I'll be teaching Math every Wednesday morning. Math may seem difficult, but rest assured, I'll make it so you can understand and try to apply at some point in your life."

"Something about him seems familiar. Have I seen him before?" Seiya mentally asks. He tries not to stare too much or risk getting the teacher's attention. He also notices his friends staring, too.

"Now, don't let my appearance fool you. I have experience in the family business as a shepherd. My task was to count the amount of sheep we possessed, sold, and bought. My family made money based on profit. That is the amount of sheep per demand. Therefore, the math I'll teach will use sheep as the ideal model. Here's the handout with the topics."

After class ends, the BBs head outdoors to the courtyard. They sit on a bench and eat their box lunch as they discuss this morning's class.

"You guys notice something familiar, right? " Seiya asks.

"Yeah, I get the feeling we saw someone like him before," Hyoga says.

"I've seen him too, but where?" Shun asks too.

"I get it now! We met once before. His name was Shion," Shiryu says.

"Shion..." Seiya crosses his arms. "That name does resonate."

"I've heard it too," Hyoga adds.

"And so do I," Shun says.

"Yes! He was Shion. The former pope we met in Sanctuary. He was the one who revived our Cloths using Athena's blood."

"That's right! He gave us Athena's Cloth in the form of a small statue. I get it now. He was one of the Specters who came for Athena. And he was also the former pope who passed away a decade ago," Seiya says.

"So our math teacher is based on his image. Now that counts to seven."

"Looks like another new teacher coming today will be based on another Gold Saint. We have no choice but to suck it up and attend class."

Another new teacher enters the classroom following the midday break. He has shoulder-length, lightish-brown hair, eyeglasses, a patterned sweater, a white collar shirt, and a tie underneath. He arrives at the teacher's desk and makes his introductory speech.

"Hello, everybody! I'm Kotaro, and I'll be your Literature teacher who will talk about the amazing things from the world of books. Better yet, call me Koko-sensei. The name Kotaro is too formal and stiff for us. I want us to get along as equals, not just as student and teacher. It's so nice to meet you! By the way, I'll be teaching every Wednesday afternoon."

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