Health Fair part 1

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The school's annual health fair is here. Each of the BBs is personally examined by the new PE teacher, Hayate, who looks familiar. Each BB takes his shirt off, showing off their physique to the seemingly surprised surrounding boys. The exam itself is no different from other students.

The weather is sunny all week.


[June 22, Friday - week 4]

The BBs, dressed in PE wear, have finished their breakfast and are ready to go when they hear the phone ring. Seiya rushes to pick it up.

"Who could it be?" he asks to himself. "Hello?"

"Good morning! It's me, Dr. Haruki."

"Good morning! How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks. You haven't left since you picked up the phone. That's good. Listen, I have important information regarding today's health fair. Are all of you wearing your PE uniform?"

Seiya glances at his friends. "Yes, we are."

"Great! You must enter the gym from the courtyard instead of the main building since Ikki will come. Once you're inside, you'll see rows of lines. Do not make a line. Instead, look for a tall, husky individual named Hayate. He's the PE teacher hired along with the others."

"Hayate?" Seiya asks, confused.

"Yes, Hayate. He's aware and waiting for you. Any questions regarding the health fair must be addressed to him. Alright, talk to you later."

Dr. Haruki hangs up, and Seiya does the same.

"So we must look for that Hayate," Hyoga says.

"If Hayate was hired along with the others, he must have some resemblance to another Gold Saint. Does anyone know?" Shun asks.

Seiya ponders. "I think I have an idea who."

"Really? Do you know who he is?" Shiryu asks.

"It's kind of best to see for ourselves."

"Let's get this done. Let's go to the fair," Ikki says.

The BBs follow Dr. Haruki's instructions and arrive at the gym. They see rows of male students forming lines to be attended by visiting doctors.

"Wow, look at these lines. It's just as Dr. Haruki said," Seiya says.

"But he also said not to be in the line. We must seek Hayate," Shiryu says.

"Can we really find him among all this crowd?" Hyoga asks.

"I wonder what's with that divider," Shun says.

"I would assume that separates boys and girls," Ikki says.

"Hayate should be on the boy's side, right? I mean, Dr. Haruki said to look for a tall, husky individual. I doubt he would be on the girl's side."

"Fine! Let's take our time looking for that Hayate."

The BBs' PE uniform is still the same as when they wore it at camp. The only mild difference lies in Shun and Hyoga donning a ponytail. Of course, they cannot avoid the stares as the boys tread through the gym.

"We're having some difficulty here. These rows make the gym look like a maze. And it doesn't help that every student looks alike."

Seiya sighs and turns around. He notices a tall, husky man in military wear sitting alone at a table. The man sits with his arms folded.

"What's wrong, Seiya?" Shun asks, curious.

"There's no lines where he is."

"I wonder if it's him," Hyoga says.

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