Happy Birthday to Ikki

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Today is Ikki's birthday, and the BBs celebrate with a cake Seiya prepared with knowledge from the Cooking Club. Then Kyoko calls, wishing Ikki happy birthday, and invites him to meet with her at a café tomorrow.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.


[August 15, Wednesday - week 3]

The BBs remain at the dorm to celebrate Ikki's birthday today. Since they will stay through their three high school years, they should celebrate each other's birthdays, starting with Ikki's. A pretty cake and green melon soda drinks are already on the lounge table, so the boys sit on the sofa to eat a piece of slice each. The cake seems large enough to be saved for later use.

"You're sixteen now, Ikki," Seiya says.

"I don't feel any different though," Ikki says.

"Really? You never had birthdays, brother?"

"I couldn't tell. It wasn't my business to know what my birthday was. That was except for one person who did. It was Esmeralda."

"From Death Queen Island, yes?" Hyoga asks.

Ikki nods. "Right. She was the only one who celebrated my birthdays and the only one who kept track and reminded me."

A change of topic is needed before the mood in the room turns depressing, as the memory of his beloved saddens Ikki.

"Seiya, this cake is amazing!" Hyoga says.

"It's incredibly detailed, based on the phoenix. I find it hard to believe you got all the ingredients from the supermarket two days ago," Shiryu says.

"You learned this from your club," Shun says.

"Of course I did. Remember the cooking book I told you, guys, about? There's a similar recipe, and I followed it word-for-word."

The cake had already been sliced and consumed, but when it was finished baking, a cute phoenix was in the center, surrounded by frosted feathers, as if a baby chick had been placed in it. Seiya wrapped one slice of cake in foil and stored it in the fridge for Saori's next arrival.

"Seiya, what's with the green drink? It reminds me of green tea," Hyoga says, noticing the fizzy soda's green appearance.

"Now you're noticing it? Anyway, that's melon soda. I bought a two-liter bottle along with the ingredients. It tastes good despite what it looks."

"Too busy eating and drinking, didn't notice."

The chatter continues.

"I've learned that whenever people celebrate birthdays, they give out gifts. Therefore..." Shun gives Ikki a gift bag. "I have a gift. Here, Big Brother. I bet it will be useful for your dorm room."

Ikki flushes upon receiving it. "Thanks, Shun."

"Shun, you went above and beyond to buy a gift."

"Why wouldn't? He's my brother, after all. Open it!"

Ikki pulls the item from the gift bag and unwraps it to reveal a box containing a diffuser and some aromatherapy bottles.

"What is this?" Ikki asks, confused.

"It's a diffuser meant to make your room smell good. You'll need it eventually, so that's why I got it. I have one too in my room."

"How do you know about this?" Seiya asks.

"Chihiro-san recommended it. Once I learned the benefits, I rushed to the store. It's really easy to use. Simply pour the bottle into the designated spot, connect the plug, press the button, and that's it. Smoke and a nice smell will come out. You'll pour again once the thing runs out."

"It's like the incense sticks I have in my room," Shiryu says.

"Are you implying his room stinks that you got it for him?" Hyoga asks.

"His room could use some fresh smell," Shun says. "By the way, it comes with two small aromatherapy bottles. You buy more later."

"You're right. I see two small bottles," Shiryu says, observing the bottles with the red and yellow labels. Each has its scent.

"I see. Those two bottles would suit him well."

"Yeah, I can definitely see that." Seiya nods.

The chatter continues as the phone rings. Seiya promptly gets up to answer.

"Hello?" Seiya asks.

"Seiya, this is Kyoko."

"Kyoko-san! How are you?"

"I'm good, thank you. I'm calling because Ikki's birthday is today, and I also want to speak to him. He's not busy right now, yes?"

"No, he's not. He's right here."

"What a relief!"

"Let me get him." Seiya then shouts to Ikki. "Ikki, Kyoko-san's calling. She wants to talk to you. Please don't leave her hanging!"

Ikki grabs Seiya's phone handle as the latter returns to the sofa.

"Hello, Kyoko?"

"Hello, Ikki! Happy birthday!"

"Thanks..." Ikki lightly flushes.

"What have you been doing?"

"Just eating cake with my friends."

"Meaning you're at the dorm."

"Of course. We haven't gone out."

"Ikki, I want us to meet tomorrow. Will you be available? I hope you do because I took the day off from my job for this."

"Say what? Of course, I'll be available."

"Thank goodness. I want us to meet at a cafe." Kyoko pauses. Well, that's because I have something I must show you. I haven't seen it myself, but I want you to see it when we're there."

"That sounds kind of serious."

"No, it's not serious. It's an envelope. I haven't opened it, though. That's why I want you to be present and see it when we open it."

"So where's the cafe?"

"We'll meet at Shibuya, and I'll escort you. Good?"

"Okay, whatever you say. I'll be there."

"Great! See you tomorrow."

Both hang up then Ikki returns to the sofa.

"An envelope, huh?" Seiya says.

"Sounds kind of serious," Shun says.

"That's why we'll meet."

"Whatever it is, let us know," Shiryu says.

"Even if it turns out to be nothing," Hyoga adds.

The BBs continue celebrating Ikki's birthday and finishing the other pieces of cake and the rest of the green melon soda. They continue to chat about different things and theorize about the possible contents of the envelope Kyoko holds.


This marks the 130th chapter!

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