July Final Exams part 1

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Pep talk followed by final exams.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.

The answer is at the bottom.


[July 17, Tuesday - week 3]

"Final exams are here," Seiya says.

"Right! I assume the same would be true from midterms, that final exams will be an all-day affair," Shiryu says.

The BBs are ready to leave now that final exams have arrived. They finished breakfast and double-checked their goods before they went.

"You'll be taking your final exams here, right, brother? The same way you did with midterm exams?" Shun asks.

"Of course. You'll need to leave the dorm because you can't take a peek," Ikki smugly says.

Seiya sighs. "I know! That will be cheating."

"Let's get going," Hyoga says.

"Sure! Good luck, Ikki!" one of them says.

"Yeah, same here," Ikki says.

At school, Haruka hands the test sheets.

"The same rules from midterms apply. You must leave the classroom once you're done. Results will be given this Friday with a few announcements. Now, with that said, let's begin. Answer truthfully!"

(final exam sample question)

[Subject: English]

Common knowledge says the Big Bang exists, but a scientist says the Big Bang is a theory. Which one is correct?

a) None of them are correct

b) Common knowledge

c) The scientist

d) Both of them are correct

To be continued...


Answer: d

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