Sewing Summer Wear part 1

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The Couture Club comes up with the basics of creating a simple summer dress. Part 1 is gathering fabric, needles, tape measure, and scissors. Shun decides to buy colorful bento boxes for himself and his friends. Still, he needs help from Chihiro, who escorts him to the department store.

Class topics for this week (random): Ancient Greek Philosophy - Plato (English, History); Shinto Philosophy - Yamato (Morals, Social Studies); Newton's Law of Physics part 2 (Physics); Biology Basics - Membrane Cells (Biology); Tale of Genji chapters 21-41 (Literature)

The weather is sunny all week.



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[June 19, Tuesday - week 4]

(afternoon class)

Yuichiro, the Social Studies teacher, is in the middle of a lecture about one of Shinto philosophies regarding the Yamato of early Japan.

"There's currently a bit of confusion about whether the Yamato or the Kofun periods are the same. The truth is they are because the Kofun Period was known for large tombs of the ruling elite, and the Yamato were a clan that lived during the same period. During that time, our country experienced a significant cultural shift from the Chinese and Korean immigrants who brought their customs that influenced our country..."

While the lecture continues, Seiya glances at a tense Shiryu, who apparently struggles to pay attention to the lecture.

"Shiryu... He tenses up whenever Yuichiro-san teaches. He's been like this for a while. It's not healthy! He should see Dr. Haruki soon. Meanwhile, Shun, Hyoga, and I pay attention just fine."

Seiya turns away before Shiryu notices him staring.

"I can't even imagine what went between him and Deathmask at the 12 Temples. Shiryu wouldn't tense up otherwise. Deathmask must've done something awful that made him tense up this way. Regardless, Deathmask was a nasty bastard, and the fact our teacher looks like him is very unsettling. It's as if he changed to the point where he doesn't admit anything, like acknowledging his evil ways. I don't feel like asking this."

He hears the sound of a pen falling to the floor. He realizes it's Shiryu's doing, who lowers to pick it up as Yuichiro continues the lecture.

"It happened again. His pen drops because of his shaking. This only happens with Yuichiro-san here and not with the other teachers. This makes me worry. Shiryu, I hope you get help soon. You should be able to come to terms with him. Otherwise, things would get ugly."

(after school)

"Alright, we covered sewing basics, and now it's time for our first project," Kokiku says, starting the session with an assignment. "We shall sew a simple summer attire. It can be something like a dress or an accessory like a hat. Whichever you choose must be summer-related."

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