Shiryu's New Makeover

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Shiryu is dismissed from the Debate Club due to his long hair being a distraction, so he is brought to the Student Council. But the slots are full, so they ask for the director's permission. Meanwhile, they ask Mei from 1A to give him a makeover after the meeting. She ties his hair to a braid and gives him fake eyeglasses. Once he returns to the dorm, his friends cannot recognize his new look, so Shiryu explains how it happened.

The weather for today is sunny.

This week concludes the April chapter.


[April 24, Tuesday - week 4]

Shiryu has been attending the Debate Club meetings for the past five days. The meetings consist of debating whatever topics members come up with. But one of them calls him to deliver the bad news.

"It pains to say this, but you can't be here anymore."

"But why?" asks a shocked Shiryu.

"You're too damn smart for us. Your hair is a distraction too."

"Please let me stay! I need to join a club." Shiryu fidgets anxiously.

"How about joining the Student Council?" another member asks.

"Is that even possible? The elections are already over."

"Yeah, but he can't stay here."

"Try anyway. I don't guarantee anything, though."

"Do you know where the Student Council is?"

"I don't," Shiryu says with lowered eyes.

"Follow me. I'll take you."

The Debate Club is located on the Practice Building's first floor. The female club member escorts him to the main building, where the Student Council office is on the second floor.

"This is the Student Council. Good luck in there.

The female member leaves, and Shiryu enters the Student Council office. He sees four students whose tables are arranged like a political assembly. The room itself is set that way too.

"Can we help you?" the staff asks.

"I'm here to join the Student Council," Shiryu says.

"The elections are over. Try again next year."

"Wait a sec! You're the student from the rumors," another staff says.

"You mean the gym incident?" Shiryu asks.

"That and the Galaxian Wars thing."

"True! I'm from class 1C."

"So you ask to join the Student Council?" another staff speaks. "Typically, we wouldn't take any more signups since the elections are over. But I think we can make an exception for you."

"Are you sure about this? He and his friends are the reason why teachers quit."

"By having him here, we can keep an eye on him and his friends." The staff member stands. "We must end this meeting early so I can consult with the director. Mei-san, I'll leave him in your care."

"If he's going to be here, we must do something about his hair. But we'll leave that to Mei."

"You're Shiryu-kun, yes? Come back tomorrow. I'll tell you."


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