Situation Theory

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The Non-Secular Club recaps the Adam and Eve reading. After the meeting, Alicia asks Hyoga questions to get to know him better. However, her attempt backfires, and soon, she finds herself too embarrassed. Hence, she grabs her bag and flees, leaving a confused Hyoga by himself.

Class topics for this week (random): Ancient Greek Philosophy - Aristotle (English, History); Shinto Philosophy - Asuka (Morals, Social Studies); Newton's Law of Physics part 3 (Physics); Biology Basics - Plant vs Animal Cells (Biology); Tale of Genji chapters 42-end (Literature)

The weather is cloudy and raining.

This week concludes the June chapter.



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[June 27, Wednesday - week 5]

The Non-Secular Club gathered like they do every Wednesday afternoon after school to go over Bible readings. However, the setting is more laid back due to the nice weather and the upcoming exams.

"It's so nice out." Futaba sighs.

"I understand, but let's not forget we have a week to meet before disbanding to study for our final exams," Kawai says. "We owe it to each other to meet and cover as much reading as possible."

"How about summarizing the reading so far?" Kazuki suggests.

"That's not a bad idea. We could use a refresher here. To begin with, Genesis starts with God creating the world in seven days. He made several binaries in order, starting with night and day and ending with human creation. Thus creating a man and a woman who lived happily in the Garden of Eden. Then, a serpent tempts the woman to eat the forbidden fruit, which she does and gives to the man who eats it. God punishes all three and sends the human pair into exile. The couple becomes Adam and Eve, who settle somewhere and bear two sons, Cain and Abel. Abel becomes a shepherd who pleases God by sacrificing sheep, so Cain gets envious, calls out his brother, and kills him. God becomes aware and sends Cain into exile, who settles somewhere with his own family. Meanwhile, Adam and Eve have a third son, Seth, to replace Abel." Kawai finishes summarizing. "That's the story in a nutshell."

Everyone takes a small break before resuming their reading.

"Of course, you guys can add anything missing from my summary."

"You don't need to worry about that, Senpai, because what follows is simply a list of descendants from Adam," Futaba says.

"Cain is absent..." Kazuki notes.

"That's because of his exile, so it doesn't count," Kawai says.

"Wait a sec! There is a familiar name at the very end," Alicia says, pointing out a single name on the book's page. "It says Noah."

"Ah, yes! The story of Noah. Now that's familiar. We'll cover the story in our meeting next week since we'll take a break on Friday. Until then, let's withdraw for the day. Some of us need to start studying for exams."

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