Bizarro Dreams EP 11

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Bizarro Dreams episode 11 consists of Seiya vs. Black Pegasus and Hyoga vs. Black Swan and follows up with Shiryu's story from episode 10.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.




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(Bizarro Dreams episode 11)

[Date of event: July 11, Wednesday - week 2]

[the day of the event is here and everyone rides a van on their way to Mount Fuji. Tatsumi is the one driving with Saori sitting next to him. Shun and Hyoga wear their cloths while Seiya is still without]

Saori – There it is, Mount Fuji.

Tatsumi – Though the mountain is the symbol of Japan, there are still many parts of it that remain cloaked in mystery. In addition, the wind caves and other caverns that penetrate the lower slopes of Mount Fuji form a dangerous labyrinth.

Seiya – Looks like Ikki has our burials set up for us.

Saori – I prefer you didn't die. I need you to bring back the cloth. You wouldn't be able if you're dead.

[Tatsumi stops the van at the foot of the mountain and gives the pieces. The boys exit with them and the van departs, leaving the boys on their own. The trio arrives at the wind caves altogether]

Seiya – So where's the party at?

Hyoga – We can't let our guard down since Shiryu didn't arrive on time.

Seiya – No biggie. I'll fight without.

Ikki's voiceover – Bronze Saints! You showed up, although it'll be smarter if you didn't. Mount Fuji is going to be your grave. Hahahaha!

Seiya – Ikki, where are you?

Ikki's voiceover – I'll be waiting for you at the summit.

Seiya – The summit is the very top then. Okay, let's go!

Shun – Wait! (hands little bells) We should use these bells.

Seiya (wears the bell) Makes sense.

Hyoga (wears the bell too) We'll know if someone is still alive if we hear these.

[upon seeing the shadows of their enemies, the boys separate]

Hyoga – Don't die.

Shun – Seiya, watch your back!

[once alone, Seiya sees Shiryu running towards him. Seiya dashes, but Shiryu seemingly vanish. Turns out it's an illusion since only the Pegasus cloth box remains]

Seiya – Where's Shiryu?

[the box opens, revealing the object]

Seiya – It's not going to fly on to me? Crap! I must assemble again. But hey at least it's the same.

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