Triple Clubs Meet

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This one is dedicated to clubs. The Cooking Club has members making basic curry and Seiya tasting them. Couture Club has the basics of thread covered. The Student Council meets to find ideas on how the school's sports festival will be held since it's banned on-site due to the BBs. They brainstorm ideas, such as outside the city or in community centers. Once they narrow locations, they will start their outreach tomorrow.

Class topics for this week (random): Origin of Life (biology); Origin of the Universe (English); Light Speed Measure (physics); Algebra Basics (math); Ancient Philosophy Basics (history)

The weather for today is sunny with high pollen.

This week concludes the May chapter.



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[May 22, Tuesday - week 4]

"Today, we'll be covering the basics of making curry," Rindo says. "This may seem like a no-brainer for some of us, but others could use it as a reminder or even learn how. I say this is the perfect opportunity."

Ryudo, the freshman, places the ingredients on the table.

"Here, we have chicken, vegetables, and rice. These are the minimum needed, but of course, you'll need to create the broth. The broth consists of a creamy brown sauce that you can customize whatever flavor you like. For instance, you can have a sweet or spicy type of curry sauce."

Rindo starts cooking a sample plate.

"So for this basic lesson, we're going to do a sweet flavor curry. First, I'll split this chicken... then I'll cut the onions... carrots... and potatoes. Then I'll add the broth and the sweet flavor. In this case, I'll add honey."

Rindo takes the skimmer and adds it to the pot.

"Next, I must skim to remove unwanted parts... you can add a cube or two of curry sold at grocery stores." Rindo shows a yellow rectangular box. "This box is a recommended brand. Once I add the cubes, I should let them dissolve. I simmer on low heat, stir until the curry becomes thick, and wait about ten minutes. The curry should be ready to serve."

Rindo serves the curry on prepared rice.

"Done! It's ready to eat. The rice is already done and I explained how to cook so I won't repeat it here. Seiya-kun, won't you mind tasting this?"

"Of course!" Seiya responds. He receives a plate from Ryudo.

"This is what curry tastes like. It should taste good for the way it looks."

Seiya grabs a plate and eats it with a provided spoon.

"How is it, Seiya-kun?" Ryudo asks.

"Thick. The broth tastes like soup but smooth and the flavor is sweet."

"Very good. There you have it. The basics of making curry. Now, let's all make curry and have Seiya-kun taste them all," Rindo says.

The rest of the members create curry under Rindo's guidance, and Seiya tastes different kinds of plates. Some are better than others, while others are burnt or uneatable. Seiya himself takes notes for future reference.

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