Upgraded Box Lunches v2

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Seiya adjusts his cooking for box lunches based on his friends' list. Shiryu likes chicken teriyaki in a green bento. Shun likes sandwiches with cute designs in pink bento. Hyoga likes tonkatsu with dressing in a white bento. Ikki has an assorted combo in an orange bento. And Seiya himself likes croquettes with onigiri rice balls in a blue bento. Meanwhile, the BBs garden during lunch since tomorrow is the school's health fair.

Class topics for this week (random): Ancient Greek Philosophy - Plato (English, History); Shinto Philosophy - Yamato (Morals, Social Studies); Newton's Law of Physics part 2 (Physics); Biology Basics - Membrane Cells (Biology); Tale of Genji chapters 21-41 (Literature)

The weather is sunny all week.



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[June 21, Thursday - week 4]

Four BBs sit at the dining table, awaiting Seiya to deliver the box lunches. Seiya then shows up from the kitchen with five pouches in hand.

"Guys! Our new lunches are ready to go!" He displays the row of pouches on the table. "Yes, the designs are bizarre, but food is more important. I woke up even earlier to prepare based on the ingredients you asked for."

Shun gasps. "Aren't you tired, Seiya? Waking up much earlier to make food for us must've been tiring. We appreciate your effort, but..."

"Hey!" Seiya sticks out his hand. "This is no different from what we've been through. We've been way up until dawn, so waking up early is nothing shocking or new. I'll wake up as many times to make our food."

"Don't be surprised if you pass out in class." Hyoga shrugs. Seiya silently sweat drops in response, followed by an SD narrow gaze.

"Anyway, here you go, Shiryu. Chicken teriyaki!"

"Chicken teriyaki?" Shiryu asks, confused.

"Open it!" Seiya grins.

He gives the green pouch to Shiryu, who opens it and uncovers the bento lid, revealing pieces of glazed chicken with rice and veggies.

"This is very elaborate..." Shiryu says.

The rest gaze at his lunch, amazed at the details.

"D-don't forget the rest of us!" Hyoga shrieks.

"Coming right up! Here, Shun! A sandwich."

Seiya gives the pink pouch to Shun, who does the same as Shiryu, and his lunch consists of a sandwich filled with fruit and salad on the side.

"How do you know I'm vegetarian?"

Seiya stares blankly. "I dunno. I guessed?"

"Thank you! This is great!" Shun grins.

Seiya then hands the orange pouch to Ikki next.

"Ikki, I don't know what you like, so I created this."

Curious, Ikki opens the pouch and lunch box to find a colorful mix of assorted food, including rice. He seems satisfied with the way it looks.

"Actually, I like this, Seiya." he smiles.

"I'm so glad. I thought you expected better."

"Seiya, what about my lunch?" Hyoga asks.

"Here! It's a surprise." Seiya gives the white pouch.

"This is suspicious," he says, narrowing his eyes.

"What do you expect?" Seiya narrows his eyes, too.

"Fine! I'll open it. This better be like the others."

So Hyoga opens the pouch, uncovered the bento lid, and sees crispy strips of glazed meat over rice and some veggies on the side.

He gasps. "This is...!"

"That's right! The katsu curry you asked for. You wanted something replicating what you ate at the camp, so I cooked accordingly."

"This is amazing, Seiya! Thank you!"

"What about you, Seiya? What did you do for yourself?" Shun asks.

"Simple! I made this croquette with onigiri on the side. I mixed meat and potatoes and fried them to create a crispy exterior with a juicy interior."

Seiya shows off the contents of his lunch to his amazed friends.

"It's so tempting to eat on the spot..." 

"Wait! We need to save them for lunch," Shun says.

"Did you do all of these from memory?" 

"No, I followed the recipes from a cooking book that I got from the third-floor library. It's not the only cooking book but one I like the most."

"For someone who's hasty and reckless, this level of detail is amazing," Ikki says.

Seiya touches his cheeks and blush. "I never thought I had the talent to cook."

"Saori-san would swoon if you cook for her."

"Of course! She can't help but love my cooking."

"Guys, it's almost time to go," Shiryu reminds.

Hours pass, and lunchtime arrives. Seiya, Shiryu, Hyoga, and Shun eat their newly made lunches inside their classroom.

"Seiya, this is amazing! I wish I could eat forever..."

"How's your croquette, Seiya?" Shun asks, curious.

"It's exactly as I expected. I feel like wanting more."

"I really like this chicken teriyaki. Thank you."

"Only half an hour left until class," Shun says.

"By the way, we should water our garden."

"Really, but we do our garden on Fridays."

"Yeah, but tomorrow's the health fair," Hyoga says.

"Right, we should watch our garden in the remaining half an hour before class. Because after class, we'll attend clubs and go home. Besides, the Student Council, the director, and Saori-san want a record of progress."

"Looks like we're done. Let's look at the garden."

The four friends head to the roof to check their garden's progress. They are happy to see that the seedlings have started to sprout.

"Look, guys! They've begun to grow!" Shun says.

"If this keeps up, they should be ready next week."

"Come on! Let's water them so they grow faster."

They grab a hose and water the seedlings.

"That should be enough," Hyoga says.

"Indeed. It will also rain next week, so our crops will grow faster."

"Oh! You mean the forecast on the radio?"

"Of course! You've been listening to it, right?"

"We don't have TV so there's no other way." 

The boys put the hose away and turn to leave the roof. They enthusiastically chat over Seiya's cooking as they return to class.

To be continued...

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