Bizarro Dreams EP 8

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This week features Bizarro Dreams episode 8. Subject dreamer is collective. Nothing major except random gags. No wake-up reaction. The BBs harvest their crops and don't plant new ones due to upcoming finals.

The weather is sunny and cloudy.

This week concludes the June chapter.




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(Bizarro Dreams episode 8)

Saori – Someone go after them!

[Hyoga runs after the Black Saints]

Hyoga – This will be bad for my bosses if the cloth gets stolen...

[Hyoga jumps from building to building and drops from one]

Hyoga – Why the hell I'm jumping from that high?!

[Meanwhile, Seiya, Shiryu, and Shun search for Ikki in the city]

Seiya – Figured anything, Shun?

Shun – Yeah, my brother's at the port.

Shiryu – The port at the bay...

Seiya – Let's go!

[Ikki hides inside the warehouse and observes the gold cloth]

Ikki – Wow, that's so cool! I'm so going to wear it even though, in hindsight, it's not my zodiac sign.

[Ikki taps and briefly wears the armor before Seiya's intervention]

Seiya – Stop, Ikki! (kicks Ikki, cloth gets removed)

Ikki – Shadows, get the cloth!

[Black phoenix clones grab the pieces and run]

Shun – Brother!

[Ikki observes and runs away]

Shun – Don't go!

Seiya – Ignore Ikki! We must get the cloth first!

[The BBs chase the clones one by one. Hyoga faces one at the tracks]

Hyoga – Hand over the cloth.

Black phoenix goon – Screw you, man!

Hyoga – Okay, fine! You ask for it. (prepares) Prepare to receive my signature attack, that's both pretty and deadly. It's called Diamond Dust!

[enemy freezes and shatters, dropping a piece of the cloth]

Hyoga – Left arm. Okay, so he carried this. But how?

[Shun then faces another one at the warehouse. His chains knock the enemy, dropping another piece]

Shun – This is the left leg. He merely carried this. Don't worry, I won't kill you. But you must talk.

[Shiryu emerges from the water and fights another on a stalled boat]

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