Return from Camping

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The BBs return early from their camping trip. Saori visits at night.

The weather is sunny and cloudy mix.


[June 10, Sunday - week 3]

The BBs return to their dorm from their weekend camping trip in the morning. They spend the day resting until Saori's arrival at night.

"I heard you went on a camping trip. How did it go?" Saori asks, eager and smiling.

"It was wonderful, Saori-san," Shun says with sparkly eyes. "It was our first school trip ever and the experience was so positive."

"How so?" Saori wants a rapid response.

"Seiya has proven to be quite a cook by making food for us," Hyoga says.

"What? Didn't he join to be the club's tester?"

"Yes, but he has learned to cook too," Shiryu adds.

"I figure that I should know since we'll be here for a while. And also, we're running low on box lunches," Seiya explains.

"I see. You don't need me to order any more, yes?"

"Right! They want me to cook once we're out."

"That makes sense. That aside, I'm surprised you can cook, Seiya."

Seiya flushes. "I thought cooking would be a pain, but it's worthwhile."

"I look forward to have a cooked meal someday."

"No worries, Saori-san. I know you'll like my food."

The group consumes light snacks as they chat.

"What else did you do?" Saori asks eagerly.

"We had this meet and greet with the students from the clubs we're part of. That is all ten of us meet for the first time," Shiryu says.

"That's wonderful news! You befriended students during your trip. I hope this doesn't end as a one-time encounter."

"They joined us for lunch more than once and spent the trip talking to us. So I say this will not end as a one-time meeting, especially with summer vacation nearby," Hyoga says.

Saori rubs her chin. "That's right! You'll be having your summer vacation a month from now. And you'll be out until September. That's a long gap."

"Anything can happen during summer vacation," Ikki says.

"Even fighting?" Seiya cautiously guesses.

"Doubtful!" Saori proclaims.

The BBs sweat drop and sigh.

"Saori-san, do you know about the Galaxian Wars videos at school?"

"I thought the media was banned..." Shun says.

"Yeah, journalists aren't allowed and yet we're told of those videos," Hyoga says.

"Do you have any comments?" Shiryu asks.

Her silence rips across the lounge.

"Wow! She's tight-lipped." Hyoga sweat drops.

"Okay, fine! We'll pretend we never heard of them. It's pointless to discuss this anyway," Seiya hushes with a cup followed by a sip.

Saori makes a comeback by changing the topic and asking Shiryu a question. "How's your garden going? Did you plant anything?"

"Not yet. I'm waiting for the director's approval."

"I hope you do. I look forward to hearing your garden stories." Her eyes sparkle.

"Thank you." Shiryu flushes lightly.

To be continued...

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