Cooking and Sewing Basics

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The Cooking Club covers the definition of essential cooking tools. The Couture Club covers the basics of needle, cut, and tape measure. As Shun prepares to leave, he overhears members discussing guys who joined, only to flirt. They also notice Chihiro looking at him and assume she is inspired, given that she is hard to approach. Satisfied, Shun exits.

The weather for today is sunny and cloudy mix.


[April 19, Thursday - week 3]

Seiya sits at the Home Economics room club meeting.

"Let's start with our cooking task for today," Rindo says.

"Hey!" Seiya raises his hand. "How about teaching me the basic tools of trade?"

"I thought you wanted to be a tester."

"I live in a dorm and want to know the tools."

"Do you cook?" Ryudo asks.

"Not yet, but I might be considering."

"Is that okay, Senpai?"

"He lives in a dorm, so I don't see why he shouldn't."

"I think teaching him is a good idea. He's our tester, so he should know."

Rindo and club members assemble cooking tools on the counter.

"Okay, Seiya-kun, so we use these basics here. We have a saucepan, knife, frying pan, mixing bowls, measuring cup, cutting board, spoons, pot, mixer, sheet, blender, and the rice cooker."

"Looks like a lot of these are self-explanatory," Seiya says.

"They are, but it's better to see them in action. This rice cooker, for example, can make a rice bowl."

Rindo demonstrates this by placing the rice grains into the cooker. Once the minutes are up, Rindo pours rice into a bowl and asks Seiya to try it. The latter accepts and eats it with a given spoon.

"It's good. Cooking that way sounds very convenient."

Seiya then finishes the whole bowl.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Let's continue the lesson."

Meanwhile, in the Costume Room, Kokiku prepares her lecture.

"Today, we'll go over the basics: thread, needle, and measuring tape. You'll need these to sew."

Kokiku demonstrates this by inserting the thread into the needle hole. Then she ties the ends together.

"Meanwhile, use the measuring tape to find out the length of the fabric needed to cut and sew."

All club members, including Shun, participate. Shun effortlessly inserts thread into the needle hole and easily sews fabric. Chihiro observes this with amazement and strikes up to ask.

"How did you do that so fast, Shun-san?"

"I just happen to do it."

"Really? Because it looks like you have experience already."

"Perhaps? I have done something like this."

"Maybe I should emulate you."

"Are you not too experienced?"

"I know how to sew. I just want to match your speed."

A few hours pass, and the meeting ends. As Shun is getting ready to leave, he overhears a conversation between Rei, Mika, and Shizuka, club members in Chihiro's class.

"Is it okay to have him? He is a student of the rumors," Rei says.

"But he's a celebrity, so..." Mika says.

"Yeah, but we had guys who joined only to end up hitting on girls. We kicked them out," Shizuka says.

"Shun-san doesn't seem to be that, though. He appears to be genuinely interested in being here."

"Have you noticed he sits next to Chihiro-san? I mean, Chihiro-san's tough to approach. Her parents are, like, famous designers, and she has, like, super high standards. She still glances at him."

"Yeah, but that's hardly flirting. Maybe she's hit with a dose of inspiration. You never know."

Shun walks away as the chatter continues, satisfied.

To be continued...

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