August Monthly Cleaning

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Monthly cleaning at daytime. Saori visits at night.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.


[August 12, Sunday - week 3]

The BBs returned to their dorm yesterday and took a long rest. However, they almost forgot that they must clean their dorm every month. With that in mind, they met at the lounge to plan.

"We almost forgot," Seiya says.

"Yes! We have to clean," Shun says.

"Yeah, but the trip wore us out," Hyoga adds.

"Still, we have to do it. Besides, this dorm was empty for almost a week. I bet there's dust all over the place," Shiryu says.

"Why don't we knock off the dust and get it over with. That's easy enough. Then come next month, we'll make up for it," Ikki says.

"That makes sense." Seiya nods.

"Okay, looks like we all agree. I'll get the dusters, and we'll split to dust every floor. Just wiping the dust should be enough until next month."

The BBs nod as Shun gets up to grab the dusters from the laundry room. He returns with them and hands one to each. They promptly separate to wipe the dust off every room across all three floors. The process takes a few hours, from the time they eat their lunch until dinner. Since they know Saori will arrive today, they're incentivized to finish soon. Time passes, and nighttime falls. Saori arrives at the dorm as always.

"I'm so happy to see you all!" Saori greets.

"Yes! It's been a while, Saori-san," Seiya greets.

"Although five days went pretty fast," Hyoga says.

"Hope you weren't bored or lonely," Shun says.

"Oh no, I had business to attend. Besides, I have Tatsumi and the other Bronze Saints. As you can see, I'm fine. There's no need to worry if you assume I was in danger because you were away."

"A little bit at first. This was our first time on a trip that wasn't work-related. It took a bit to get relaxed," Seiya explains.

Saori sighs, sips her drink, and sets it on the table. "That's understandable, but all of you should relax on your next vacation. Don't underestimate the Goddess of War. I can handle anything on my own."

"Whatever you say, Saori-san. We'll be more aware." Seiya repeatedly nods.

Everyone takes a breather by sipping water.

"By the way, how was your trip?" Saori asks.

"The commute was long, but the trip was worth it. Plus, having the girls by our side made the trip much more enjoyable," Seiya explains.

"We explored a lot for five days," Shiryu says.

"We did the Gold and Silver Temple..." Hyoga says.

"Then we climbed this very long shrine with tons of gates..." Shun adds.

"Yeah, then we went to that geisha site you gave us an appointment for. I expected something bizarre to happen, but it turns out they recognized us as celebrities. We were treated well," Seiya says.

"Then lastly, we bought souvenirs," Ikki adds.

Shun stands up to grab souvenirs from the shelf. He places them on the table for Saori to see. She's delighted at the goods shown.

"See? We got the Gold and Silver Temple set, the Inari with the gate set, a geisha doll, and a vintage green tea set. What do you think? You like them?"

"Of course I do! You have chosen well."

"Thanks. I took a lot of photos too."

"I'm glad the camera came in so handy."

"Yeah, I ended up using all the rolls."

"Get them developed so I can see them."

"Yes, I'll do it tomorrow so they can be ready."

Everyone takes a breather again and sips.

"We're halfway through the month," Seiya says.

"Indeed, you still have a few more weeks to go. You should use those weeks to have fun and spend more time with those girls. By the way, are there any birthdays to celebrate? At least this month."

"Yes! My brother's birthday!" Shun points to Ikki.

"Is that so? When?" Saori's eyes sparkle eagerly.

"it's this coming Wednesday, right, Ikki?" Seiya asks eagerly with sparks in his eyes. 

Ikki shivers with a sweat. "Um, right. It is."

"You will celebrate, right?" Saori asks skeptically.

"Of course! I'll use my skills from the Cooking Club to bake a cake. I'll buy the ingredients tomorrow!"

"That's good to hear! Ikki, happy early birthday!"

Ikki flushes a bit. "Um, thanks?"

"How old you'll be?"

"My brother is two years older than me, so he's fifteen right now."

"This means Ikki will be sixteen soon," Hyoga says.

"You should come this Wednesday, Saori-san," Shiryu says, inviting her.

"I can't, but you can save a piece. Yes?"

"Sure, no problem." Seiya nods, agreeing.

The rest of the night is spent discussing the trip and how Ikki's birthday celebration will develop, making for a livelier-than-usual meeting.

To be continued...

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