Hot Soba

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On the way to the soba restaurant, two kids from another school ask if they're friends. Alicia claims him to be her boyfriend. Once at the site, she says it was a joke as he takes it too literally. Anyway, he learns about soba noodles made from buckwheat. Since soba can be served hot or cold, the one they go to serves hot soba. He still has reservations about slurping but attempts anyway, much to his chagrin. Both exit satisfied, though.

Class topics for this week (random): Origin of Life (biology); Origin of the Universe (English); Light Speed Measure (physics); Algebra Basics (math); Ancient Philosophy Basics (history)

The weather for today is sunny.

This week concludes the May chapter.



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[May 25, Friday - week 4]

The Non-Secular Club finished their meeting, and all members left except for two who remained by simply rearranging the tables.

"Hyoga-kun, are you ready?" Alicia asks, up and grabbing her bag.

"To visit another restaurant, yes? Of course, I am ready." Hyoga's already up with his school bag in hand. "So, what's the meal we'll be eating?"

"I'll tell you once we're there."

"I'm not a big fan of surprises."

"Fine, I'll tell you. We'll be having soba. Think of it as ramen with a twist."

"More noodles?" he asks, surprised.

"Now, now. Don't think of all noodles as equal. Ramen and soba are two different things." Alicia fidgets.

"Okay, if you say so." Hyoga shrugs.

"Good! We'll be going to this soba restaurant in another neighborhood, so we must take another subway line. But we are going to pay since our passes don't cover that line. No worries though. Entry is cheap."

"That's fine. I'll pay for my entry. I have allowance to spare."

"Okay, let's go before rush hour starts." She grabs, dragging him out.

"Rush hour?"

"Rush hour?"

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