Hot Summer Festival

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They visit a generic neighborhood at night to attend a summer festival and watch fireworks. Kyoko and Ikki are present, too. Also, Shoko, Chihiro, and Mei wear yukata. After they visit staple booths, the group watches fireworks by the river. The BBs get nervous due to how big and loud the fireworks are. It's as if they trigger their battle instincts.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

The weather today is a heat wave.


[August 22, Wednesday - week 4]

As agreed yesterday, the group heads to the summer festival, which takes place at night near a local neighborhood. All five BBs, including Ikki, go because Kyoko managed to get home early from work.

The warm glow of the summer night fades away as the sun sets below the horizon, illuminating the local neighborhood. They are in the company of the girls, of whom only Shoko, Chihiro, and Mei are dressed in yukatas. The fabric of their yukatas sway gently with each step they take.

"I'm guessing you want to know what we're wearing," Shoko says, seeing the BBs' confused faces. Well, this is a yukata, a type of kimono worn during summer. Lucky for me, this one still fits."

"I see. But we don't have one so we kind of stand out," Seiya says.

"Wearing a yukata is an option. It's not mandatory wearing it to gain access since entry to the festival is free after all," Mei explains.

"What a relief! And here I thought I was worried."

Laughter fills the air as they approach the summer festival, the scent of grilled food and cotton candy wafting through the crowd. Lanterns hang overhead, casting a soft glow over the festivities as they weave through the stalls, their voices mingling with the excited chatter of the crowd.

"So this is what a summer festival looks like," Seiya says as he observes his surroundings. Many festival stalls line up like a marketplace, each selling food or attractions to try.

"It is certainly crowded," Hyoga says.

"I'm guessing this is your first time at a place like this," Shiryu says.

"Pretty much. I never attended events like this."

There are all sorts of stalls at the festival, including places to play games such as the lottery, goldfish scooping, gun-shooting, and more

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There are all sorts of stalls at the festival, including places to play games such as the lottery, goldfish scooping, gun-shooting, and more.

"I notice there are lots of places to play," Seiya says.

"Sure there are! Wanna try them?" Shoko asks.

The group heads to a stall to try a game of scooping for goldfish.

"These goldfish are so pretty!" Shun exclaims.

"I know. Makes me want to have one," Hyoga adds.

However, when they attempt to catch the goldfish, they keep breaking the paper on the scoop until they grab one after multiple tries.

"So this what catching a goldfish is like," Seiya says.

"I suppose it's okay to have that in our dorm for a while," Shiryu says.

"That goldfish seems too frail to live for long anyway," Ikki says.

"Oh, Big Brother..." Shun mutters with a sweat drop.

Later, they try their luck with other games and indulge in festival treats such as apples and cotton candy. Then, at the height of the night, a fireworks display is about to begin. They follow the stream of people and find themselves by the riverbank, where a crowd has already gathered to watch the spectacle.

"What are we here to watch?" Hyoga asks.

"It wouldn't be a summer festival without fireworks, so of course, we're going to watch them. Look at the crowd around you," Chihiro says.

The first explosion of color lit up the night sky, eliciting gasps of awe from the group. Shoko, Chihiro, and Mei huddle together, their yukatas billowing in the warm breeze as they watched in wonder.

"Amazing! So this is what fireworks look like," Hyoga marvels, his gaze fixed on the bursts of light illuminating the darkness.

Suddenly, a particularly loud explosion echoed through the night, causing the group to jump in surprise. Instinctively, the BBs move closer together, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger.

"It's just fireworks, guys," Shoko says to reassure them. "Some will be louder and bigger than the others."

But that specific one was too loud and too close as if they would've been accidentally caught if embers had fallen onto them. The tension lingers, growing with each successive explosion. The boys can't shake the unease; their instincts are on high alert as if expecting the worst.

"I'm guessing this is their first time," Alicia says.

"Bet they never saw them before," Kyoko agrees.

As the final fireworks faded into the night, the group breathed a sigh of relief, the tension dissipating like smoke in the wind. They exchanged sheepish smiles, realizing how silly their fears had been.

"What a relief!" Seiya exhales.

"Yeah, it's finally over," Hyoga adds.

"Maybe we spent so much time fighting that we got triggered right away," Ikki says. "We're not used to this kind of normal life, after all."

"We have two more years to go. I'm not worried," Shiryu says.

"I'm not worried either. I look forward to next year," Shun says.

With laughter ringing in their ears, they turn to leave. The memory of the fireworks fades into the night as they make their way home, the warmth of friendship guiding their way.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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