May Midterms part 3

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Midterms until midday. Students then gather for an assembly and learn that new teachers have been hired and will debut next week. The Student Council meets to discuss the situation. Then Shiryu asks Mei to take him to Chinatown due to rumors he overheard. Overwhelmed at first, Shiryu gets so excited that he goes on a shopping spree. Upon his return to the dorm, he shows bags of goods and still has allowance left. Then he decorates his dorm to make it Chinese with incense and bamboo plants.

The weather for today is sunny and cloudy.

The answer is at the bottom.


[May 11, Friday - week 2]

Today's the last day of midterm exams, and once again, Haruka delivers the test sheets. Since an assembly is pending, only a single subject will be covered. Haruka reminds the class to head for the auditorium as soon as they finish.

(midterm sample question)

In what order do Japanese people dream of New Year?

a) Hawk, Eggplant, Mt. Fuji

b) Mt. Fuji, Hawk, Eggplant

c) Eggplant, Mt. Fuji, Hawk

d) Hawk, Mt. Fuji, Eggplant

Every student, including the BBs, hands over their exam sheets and heads to the auditorium as told. Mitsuru awaits students on the stage. Dr. Haruki is also present by his side. Once all the students gather, Mitsuru approaches the podium and starts his speech. Dr. Haruki stands to his right, observing.

"Good morning! Thank you for coming. I understand this is sudden, especially after midterm exams. I also understand that midterms happened after Monday's sudden dismissal, and I failed to explain why. The reason was that one of your peers passed away."

Murmurs among students break out, except for BBs who know.

"The student took his own life. He suffered abuse from one of the teachers who was brought in as an emergency replacement for the sudden teacher walkout. Once I learned about this, I reported the problematic teacher to the police and fired the rest who knew but failed to report. That explained the lack of teachers on Tuesday when you came to school and police presence on Monday."

The worried murmurs continue.

"Substitute teachers were attempted to be brought due to the lack. However, I will bring my own group of teachers. In fact, these new teachers have been hired and will start to teach on Monday."

Everyone, including BBs, perk up.

"Please, do not worry. I have strict standards regarding teachers and will not tolerate abuse. Any problematic teacher will be reported immediately. Therefore, if any abuse occurs, report it to me or any of the staff. We cannot diminish everyone's education if we keep things hidden. I assure you the teachers I hired will be different as I handpicked each of them. Therefore, I implore you to respect the new teachers and make them feel welcome. I appreciate your cooperation."

Mitsuru bows and leaves the stage with Dr. Haruki, who tells the students to disassemble and head straight home. While some students leave the auditorium, others, like the BBs, remain.

"New teachers hired... I wonder what they're like," Seiya says.

"The best-case scenario is hope for nice teachers like Haruka-san," Hyoga says.

"Considering those three look like them, do you think the others will?" Shun asks.

"Who knows? We still have to attend regardless," Shiryu says.

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