Undesired Tears

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Jotaro or Jojo teaches Biology on Thursday mornings. However, the BBs stood before the class and bowed by apologizing for yesterday. Jojo's appearance is different, yet his personality seems familiar. During lunch, Shiryu finds Koko and apologizes to him too. Then, in the afternoons, Touya teaches Physics. His looks are different, too, but Hyoga sobs, rushing out of the classroom. He goes to the teacher's office after school, where Touya gives him handouts, and Jojo shows up. At the dorm, Hyoga meets with Shiryu in the latter's room to talk about the teachers, and given how better they feel, they want to continue every week.

The weather for today is sunny and cloudy.


[May 17, Thursday - week 3]

With their uniforms on, the BBs gather downstairs to eat breakfast. Shun greets and asks, "Good morning. How are you two feeling?"

"Morning. I'm okay, thanks," Seiya says.

"Same here," Hyoga adds.

"That's good." Shun smiles.

"Shun and I talked yesterday about apologizing to the class. Thus, we must do so once we arrive and before class starts," Shiryu says.

"Yeah, we should," Hyoga agrees.

"I'm going to bet the new teachers will be another Gold Saint look alikes. But we must apologize. Otherwise, I can't sleep at night," Seiya says.

"Looks like we're set."

Once the boys nod, they head to their classroom. They open the door and see that the class has already started with another new teacher present. However, his appearance is different from the Gold Saint look-alikes thus far. He's tall, muscular, and wears no eyeglasses. His face is harsh and realistic, with normal dark navy hair and black beady eyes. He's wearing a blazer with a skin-tight shirt and dark shiny slacks. He directs his attention to the BBs standing at the door.

"Can I help you?" the new teacher asks.

"Are you a teacher?" Seiya asks, too.

"Yes, I am," the teacher says in his baritone voice.

"I see. It's just that we're in this class and we want to say something before you go on with the lecture." Seiya fidgets a sweat.

"Okay, I'll let you."

"Thank you," Shiryu says, bowing.

They enter the class and line up.

"Good morning. Sorry to interrupt but we must apologize," Seiya says.

"Our behavior yesterday was undesirable and we apologize for the shock and inconvenience we caused," Hyoga says.

"Therefore, we must apologize for our sudden act," Shun says.

"And we promise that said behavior shall never be repeated," Shiryu says.

"Thank you for your understanding," they say together and bow.

The whole class stares in silence, including the new teacher.

"I don't know what happened but looks like you made amends so that's good. From the looks of the class, they seem to accept. So go to your seats for I must introduce myself again."

The BBs head to their seats while students gaze at them, mouths agape.

"Alright, class. Once again, I'll take it from the top. My name is Jotaro and I'll be your Biology teacher every Thursday morning. Here's the handout."

As Jotaro goes over the handout, he glances at Hyoga repeatedly. Hyoga takes note of this. "Why is he staring at me? Does he know me?"

Class ends, and the BBs stay to eat lunch. Jotaro approaches them.

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