Matching Box Lunches

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Kyoko meets with Ikki at the same spot during lunchtime. She brings another lunch box in addition to hers. She says it's for him, explaining that she had to wake earlier to cook both lunches, but it's worth it. Ikki, who had already eaten his, grabs the second lunch and takes a bite. He finds the taste much better than the ones BB is supplied with. Kyoko is so happy that she wants to create more lunches regularly.

Class topics for this week (random): Early Human Existence (Biology); World History Origins (English); Deconstructing Math: Statistics (Math); Ancient Western Philosophy: Pre-Socratic (History, Literature)

The weather for today is sunny, cloudy mix.

This week begins the June chapter.



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[May 28, Monday - week 1]

Kyoko shows up in the courtyard and sees Ikki sitting on the bench, waiting for her arrival. Lunch break has already started.

"I'm surprised you're here early," Kyoko says.

"Break has already started," Ikki says.

"I know, but class was busy with work."

Kyoko takes her seat. She notices an empty lunch box next to Ikki.

"You already ate..." she says.

"It's nothing special. Just rice balls."

"Ah yes, I remember you said that's what you and your friends are supplied with. But I believe lunch should've been better."

Kyoko draws two identical lunch boxes from her bag.

"Two of them?" Ikki asks.

"One for me and one for you."

"Wait! You made one just for me?"

"I told you I'd make a slot for you."

"But you brought another lunch instead."

"Because I figure it'll do more than set aside a slot. I even got up earlier than my wake-up time just to prepare the two of them."

"I said I look forward to more of your food, but I didn't expect a second lunch entirely. That's nice of you to do this but..."

"Now, now, Ikki. Don't be like that. Here! Take this. Let's open together."

They open the lid, and both lunches have identically designed meals.

"They're the same," Ikki says.

"Of course! We should eat the same meals. I added twice the amount of egg shape rolls on each bento to make them even."

"For real? Huh? What is this smiling face on the rice?"

"That's just decoration. They're pieces of food added for fun."

"You can decorate food?"

"Yeah! It happens."

Ikki blushes. "It looks more like a work of art than a meal!"

Kyoko fidgets. "But you still have to eat..."

Kyoko's lunches consist of an identical bunny-shaped face on rice with vegetables as decoration pieces. The egg rolls serve as clothing.

"It's not that I don't want her food. It's just too pretty to eat..."

"Come on, Ikki! Let's eat our meal!" Kyoko smiles.

Ikki sighs and takes a bite of the meal.

"It takes better for some reason..."

"See? I knew you'd like it. That's why I made this lunch box."

Ikki eats the rest of the bento, and soon, the bunny face and the egg roll dressings vanish, leaving an empty box. He gives the box to Kyoko.

"This is so much better than what we get..." he murmurs.

"Then I'll continue to make more."

"Does this mean you'll do it again tomorrow?"

"Of course!"

"I understand Kyoko doing this for me but..."

"Wouldn't that be an inconvenience since you have a job?"

"Not at all. It gives something to look forward to. Plus, I don't work every single shift at my job. I have days off. Thinking about you at my job makes the hours go by." Kyoko smiles and flushes.

Ikki does the same in return. "If you say so... thanks."

The hour passes, and the lunch break is about to end.

"I have to leave. I wish your brother would be here so we can eat. I enjoyed our trip yesterday. It was a lot of fun! Your little brother is so cute! By the way, is it possible to visit your dorm?"

"We're not allowed."

"Hmm, that's a shame, but I understand why. I know we'll get together again someday. Oh yes, the same goes for meeting the rest too."

Kyoko packs her belongings and waves her goodbye as she leaves.

"See you tomorrow!"

Ikki smiles, too, as he sees her running off to the main building.

To be continued...

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