Adam and Eve Lecture

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The Non-Secular Club meets to continue the Genesis chapter of the Bible with Adam and Eve. Member lead gives Hyoga a spare copy of the Bible so Alicia doesn't have to keep sharing hers. The story of Adam and Eve ends with them being banished from the Garden of Eden. The story of Cain and Abel is also summarized, and the group gives a sneak preview for the next meeting. Everyone provides their opinion about the story.

Class topics for this week (random): Socrates, Plato, Aristotle (English, History, Literature); Shinto Philosophy: Jomon (Morals, Social Studies); Mach Speed (Physics)

The weather is cloudy all week.



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[June 6, Wednesday - week 2]

The members of the Non-Secular Club are reunited to continue their Bible reading with the Genesis chapter. Kawai, the lead, starts the session.

"Thank you for coming. We're going to continue our reading. But before we begin..." Kawai approaches Hyoga and hands him a book. "This is for you. I found this spare copy at home, so I'm giving it since you've been sharing it with Alicia-san. You might need your own copy."

"This is for me?" Hyoga asks, surprised.

"That's right, Hyoga-kun. By the way, is it okay to call you that?"

"I've been called that by two people already, so it's a matter of time before the whole school does it. I might as well accept."

"Sure, that's okay," Hyoga says, getting the book from Kawai.

"Alicia-san has been calling you that for a while, so I ask if it's okay since you aren't keen on honorifics."

"To be honest, Hyoga-kun doesn't sound bad," Futaba says.

"I'll call him Cygnus. I refuse to call him by his name," Kazuki sneers with crossed arms.

"I see... You do you then." Futaba sweat drops.

"That's nice of you to give Hyoga-kun a gift. Thanks, Senpai!" Alicia says.

Kawai returns to his seat. "With that said, let's continue the Genesis chapter with the Adam and Eve story. As we already know, God created the world in seven days. Then, he makes a man out of his image and calls him Adam, who provides names to every creature created. God doesn't want Adam to be all alone, so he makes a woman out of one of Adam's ribs while he sleeps. The end result is a woman who becomes his wife."

"Unfortunately, the serpent tempts the woman to eat one of the fruits from the tree God forbids them to eat. She eats one and gives it to Adam who also eats the fruit. It didn't take long for God to notice right away," Futaba remarks.

"I think we pretty much know what happens next," Kazuki says.

"Well, of course. Once expelled from the Garden of Eden, they settled where they had their first two sons, Cain and Abel. By the way, the woman's name was Eve by Adam, as she was 'the mother of all living.'" Kawai continues. "Cain was the hunter while Abel was the sheep keeper, but God favored Abel's offerings, which made Cain envious to the point he killed his brother. Cain was forced to flee and settle with a family of his own. Adam and Eve then have a third son called Seth."

"Seth? Really? This is the first I've heard of them having a third child," Hyoga says.

"Yes, but looks like many people don't know about that. Anyway, this ends the Adam and Eve story but the Genesis chapter still continues with Noah's story that we'll explore next." Kawai closes the book.

"Is everyone ready for the camping trip?" Alicia asks with a raised hand.

"I sure am! I can't wait for Friday to come!" Futaba says with a grin.

"We'll be taking a break, but that's alright. Good luck on your trip."

"Thanks, Senpai. We'll see each other again," Kazuki says, smiling.

To be continued...

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