Daytime Study

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The BBs form a large study group during the day for upcoming midterms. Saori visits at night like usual.

The weather for today is sunny and cloudy.


[May 6, Sunday - week 2]

After eating breakfast, Shiryu makes an announcement.

"Wait! Before you head up, I must tell you something."

"Oh, and what is that?" Seiya asks curiously.

"The way he says it is not optional," Hyoga comments.

Curious, the BBs sit on the couch to hear him out.

"We have midterm exams this week," Shiryu says.

"What's that? A test of strength?" Seiya asks.

"Oh, no. They're tests, done on paper." Shiryu flutters.

"Oh..." Seiya mutters, disappointed.

"How do you know about this?" Hyoga asks.

"It's in the starter pack."

"You really did pay attention," Seiya comments.

"Since that's the case, what they'll be about?" Shun asks.

"Probably about contemporary Japan, because that's what we've been studying so far," Hyoga says.

Cups of water are already set up, and some drink to catch a breather.

"Okay, so when are the tests?" Seiya asks again.

"It's this Wednesday and lasts until Friday," Shiryu responds.

"What?! Three days of tests?! How difficult can they be?" Seiya's eyes widen.

"That's an exaggeration, right?" Hyoga asks.

"I don't know about that. It's on the calendar."

"Do you have any idea what will be included?" Shun asks.

"Unfortunately, I don't."

"This means we must go over from the start," Ikki says.

Seiya hastily stands up.

"Alright! We have an entire daytime until she comes. Let's study!"

"Well, let's bring our notes here," Shun says.

"Can we study at the library instead? It has more space," Ikki adds.

"How do you know? You do your homework there?" Seiya asks.

"Yeah," Ikki responds, nodding.

"I must agree. The table at the library is much more spacious," Hyoga says.

"Alright! To the library, we go!" Seiya commands.

The BBs bring their notes to the third-floor library and sit immediately.

"Wow! The table's spacious!" Seiya exclaims.

"We already know that thanks to our tour," Hyoga adds.

"This is such an optimal place to study, Ikki," Shiryu says.

"Well, that and one's room," Ikki adds.

"So if we have pending exams, coming here would be wise," Shun says.

"Yeah, the amount of space makes it so easy to study," Seiya says.

The BBs spend the day studying while chatting and asking questions. Then after dinner, Saori visits at night like always. Seiya escorts her to the armchair, where she sits and lays the envelopes on the table.

"Good to see you, Saori-san," Shiryu greets.

"Good to see you too. Are you wearing new clothes?"

All five BBs have been wearing loungewear since this morning. Seiya wears a red T-shirt and blue shorts. Shiryu wears long greenish sleeves and purple sweatpants. Hyoga wears a blue T-shirt and gray sweatpants. Shun wears a long pink T-shirt and ankle sweatpants. Finally, Ikki wears a white T-shirt and black sweatpants. All of them wear colored slippers for footwear.

"Yes, we got them from Chihiro-san's store past Friday," Shun says.

"She's a student here and met Shun at his club," Hyoga adds.

"Oh my! You're making such progress," Saori praises.

"We still have a long way to go, though," Shiryu says.

"Expect us to wear new clothes from here on out," Ikki says.

"In this case, I'll wear new clothes too to catch up."

"Why?" Seiya asks. "Your dress is fine."

"I want to match your new looks too." Saori smiles.

Saori is wearing the same white dress she's been wearing since forever.

Seiya sighs. "She gave us these clothes, but I feel it was too sudden. We never met her before, and if it wasn't for Shun introducing us to her, we couldn't tell much less accept because she could've been anyone. And on top of that, she never asked if we wanted these."

"I'm sure she had her reasons," Saori says.

"She said we need new clothes to gain student trust," Ikki says.

"I see. It seems looking the part is important for attention."

"You agree, Saori-san? She never asked!" Seiya blurts.

"Yes, it may have been sudden. But I believe there is a payoff."

"I hope so. I'll be super pissed if it doesn't happen."

"Ah! I'm here to say that you have midterms this Wednesday."

"Yeah, Shiryu told us, and we studied. In the library."

"Good luck! I look forward to good results."

To be continued...

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