Reason and Burden

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The Couture Club covers the lesson on basic fabrics.

Class topics for this week (random): Early Human Existence (Biology); World History Origins (English); Deconstructing Math: Statistics (Math); Ancient Western Philosophy: Pre-Socratic (History, Literature)

The weather for today is sunny, cloudy mix.

This week begins the June chapter.



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[May 29, Tuesday - week 1]

At the Couture Club's fashion room, Kokiku, the lead, starts her lesson on fabrics. She has samples of random textiles on the table for show.

"Today, we'll go over some of the fabrics this club uses. Of course, there are more used by professionals in the industry, but we'll cover the ones we have since these are what this club can afford."

Everyone pays attention to the lecture.

"Remember, choosing the right fabric is important for any sewing project. The wrong material will affect the final product if chosen incorrectly. Before we begin, we should know the important distinction between natural and man-made materials. Understanding these is a must. Therefore, let's start with cotton." Kokiku shows a sample. "We know what it is, but this should expand our knowledge. Cotton comes from plants of the same name, and they have a long history from ancient times. The reason cotton continues to be used is due to its inexpensive, soft, lightweight, easy-to-use material. Plus, they're easy to wash."

She goes over the other fabrics, from linen to wool, to silk to vinyl.

"Once you have chosen your fabric, it's important to connect these through the sewing techniques we learned last time."

The club session ends once Kokiku ends her lecture. Some members stay and practice their craft, while others simply leave the room. Chihiro herself is getting ready to go when Shun calls out.

"Chihiro-san, I have some questions for you if you don't mind."

"What's this? Is it something serious?"

"No, I just want to understand a few things. That's all."

"Okay, ask away."

"Are you expanding your skills to be like your parents?"

"Are you implying that I shouldn't be here? Like, I should already know how to do this given that my parents are designers?"

"I understand this is a school club, but I'd like to know if you're here for a genuine reason. I hate to think you'd be here to kill time or you'd be here since there might be an expectation of becoming a professional like your parents. Or there is another reason I'm not aware of."

Chihiro remains silent, stoic.

"This is especially true when you praised my speed and sewing skills. You said yourself that you should emulate me. I'm the one who should be emulating you given your background."

Chihiro remains silent again.

"There's also the store owned by your parents that you insisted that me and friends go. Perhaps there is an aspect of the industry that you like better? That you're interested in the social side and not the labor side."


"I'm sorry if it's too deep for you since we don't know each other well."

"Actually, I get what you're saying. I'm only here because I have to. I'm grateful that this school has such a club that allows me to be here."

"I see. You simply want to see how things go." Shun fidgets. "I don't expect a full answer right away. We still have two more years."

"Assuming we're still friends."

"But what about the deal we made?" Shun nervously sweats.

"Just kidding! Well, I'm going home. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, Chihiro-san." Shun bows.

To be continued...

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